
Chapter 229

Okay that was weird wasn't it, that was considerably weird, the little boy telling me that an historical artefact is his, a little boy telling me that an historical objects is his, it is very weird don't you think?.

Adrian is looking at me, he is looking at me amused. He's also looking at Ercles amused and the little boy turns his head as he smiles back at him.

"I'll get it later".

He smiles and he keeps on walking off into the distance.

This place is huge, it is huge and I'm scared that he will get lost.

"Why don't you stick with me?" I say looking at him and he nods obediently.

He nods very obediently to that and I have to smile.

I have to forget exactly how weird the former occurence was.

Well i have to say that Ercles is a weird child, well he is not weird, it is almost like he has a strangeness around him.

How did he know Lucas would be around before I did?.

What's also strange is the fact that he had practically told me to slap the bad person and I'm guessing that he also knew Lucas would be this bad person, the fact just makes me feel mind-boggled. It makes me feel considerably surprised and I feel inquisitive about this. I feel I should be in quisitive about this but yet I am scared.

I have not figured out what is happening to me yet, i have not figured out what is happening to me in this place and a little boy comes into the story.

A little boy who can practically tell you when someone you do not want to see is around and said little boy who sees an historical artefact and practically calls it his.

He is five for crying out loud, he is five for crying out loud and I'm guessing this thing should be very very old.

It looks old as I have said before, it looks old and it feels ancient and I am taking an instinctive step away from it.

"Are you actually scared of it?" Alice says looking at me and I shake my head.

"We are not here for that today, Adrian said that we are here to learn about the founding fathers so let's get on with that".

For some reason I want to know who these founding fathers are, for some reason I want to know the group of crazy men, the bunch of crazy people who decided to build such a place, and let such a group of lunatics into it.

okay, I am being very very hard with my language, I'm being very very harsh with my language but still that is the only thing that I find to qualify them.

That is the only thing that I find to qualify people who would organise an elaborate set of games all so they could kill each other.

The game still have me shaken.

Every other occurrence that has happened along the way has shaken me even more.