
Chapter 220

I feel like a mum. I really really feel like a mum and I don't know why I'm feeling this way.

Maybe it's because Mum is dead and she has passed down some of her maternal instinct to me, or because I feel like this boy should have a mummy, hwy should have a mum even though his is dead and he treats me like I'm his mum/ elder sister.

He treats me like I am the one who is supposed to take care of him and I have to say that taking care of a five-year-old child is considerably more work.

It is considerably stressful work especially with exactly how delicate Ercles is.

Well it isn't like he's delicate, I think I'm the one who feels he's delicate, I'm the one who feels like a simple bruise should not show on his skin. I didnt know when he had tripped to the floor, i didn't know when he had tripped on something that I actually put on the floor but yet at the moment his skin touched the ground, you could practically see that the spot had turned red.

The spot had turned red but yet he didn't feel surprised.

He didn't feel surprised and I felt mortified at this, especially with how his pearly skin was now looking like it had a deep blood cut on it.

I felt like I killed somebody, I felt like I had killed somebody and I had simply rushed into the bathroom to grab the first aid box and decided to apply something to it.

I decided to apply something to it but yet he was practically shaking his head, telling me that it wasn't necessary. I almost died.

Exactly how would it not be necessary especially with how his skin looked as red as a tomato.

He didn't look bothered by it, he didn't look bothered by it at all and even as of now, he doesn't bother me about it.

Even though I have taken the extra initiative to bandage the bruised spot. I don't know why I am feeling this way 

I don't know why I'm feeling this weird today.

"Is anything the matter?" Adrian says asking me the same question that he had asked me last night and I have to shake my head at this.

I have to shake my head because I doubt he will be able to help me do anything.

I know what I have to do, i know what I have to do but yet I'm afraid to do it because it would mean one thing.

It would mean that i was going to leave Adrian sooner than I had expected it to be.

I was going to leave all of them sooner than i expected but yet just going back to this place, just going back there is enough to make me scared.

It is enough to make me thoroughly scared and I do not think that I am one who likes to be so scared.

I mean I should be very brave right, why can i not find the bravery now???.