
Chapter 215

Just the thought of it has me almost reeling back in repulsion, it has me reeling back in repulsion and I have to wonder what this new feeling is.

It's not just repulsion at the thought, it's almost like I'm scared of leaving these people around me, it's like I'm scared of leaving these people who are seated around me.

Adrian is driving, I do not know when he had the chance to order the car because this isn't the car that we had come in this evening.

This isn't the car that we had come in, this one is more flashy, more of repute and I'm guessing that he doesn't want anyone to look down on us when we get to the hotel.

Just the hotel on its own is a mystery, even the hotel on its own is a mystery because this is an hotel which is practically considered as unreal.

It is a place where only the top of the top people go to spend their time and Adrian is taking us there to spend a night.

It's almost like he dosen't care about the amount. He spends money like it's natural and i have to chuckle at this.

You know, sometimes he acts very very surprising.

He apears to be very surprising especially with how he simply spends money, almost like it doesn't mean anything to him.

We are going to spend a night in a hotel and I'm thinking of how I'm meant to spend the rest of my life.

The little baby who is still cradled in my arms, the little man who is still sitting down on my laps, his head on my chest and snoring softly, he is also a mystery to me.

I mean when I get to leave, when I have to leave, exactly what will become of him?.

Adrian might decide to keep him but yet I do not think I will allow that. I don't even think that Adrian will let me go.

You can see the practical happiness and excitement plastered on his face whenever he looks at us.

You can see the excitement that flies across his face whenever his look at the both of us.

You'd know that he's delighted to have me with him, he's delighted to have the both of us with him, two people who practically bear no tie and no blood relation to him at all.

I had always thought that love was inherent in family members towards thier own, I had thought that love was always the purest whenever it comes to family but am met with another thing.

I have experience pure love, i have experienced pure love and it did not come from my family.

Well father and mother loved me that way, but yet you can get what I'm try to say.

My aunt hated the guts out of me.

I have experienced pure love elsewhere, i have experienced love with them and I feel it is this love that practically makes me feel angry and disgusted at myself for even thinking about leaving.

Seriously, I need to get my head straight.