
Chapter 213

"Is there any reason why Arden is acting like this?" I say whispering to Alice and she simply shakes her head.

"I doubt there is, maybe she isn't feeling".

She says this hastily and I nod to myself.

Okay, Alex is also trying to be evasive, she's also trying to be evasive with her answers and I smile at this.

"Are you sure that you guys are all okay, everyone is simply acting strange around me, almost like I am an outcast now".

I know that i am playing the guilt game, I know that i am playing the guilt game but yet.......

Alice simply snaps back the next moment.

"Seriously, nothing is going on, seriously nothing is going on with us. I promise you, we are all okay"

"Then someone should explain what is going on to me" I say looking at them imploringly and she shakes her head.

"That is the only thing that I cannot do, that is the only thing I cannot do but I promise you, the moment we are done here I will explain everything to you"n

Okay a weird way to speak.

"I am holding on to this promise you know" I say looking at her and she nods her head.

"Seriously, I wasn't joking when I said I wanted to know everything of what was going on".

She nods.

Truly, I wasn't joking when I said I wanted to know everything about what's going on here. I mean coincidental is it that just a few hours out of the Winter Castle and Arden starts acting strange all of a sudden, then Alice, Alice has already been acting weird ever since that time at the games and even I myself, I'm guessing I am the wierdest one here because exactly what can I classify myself as?.

What exactly we can I classify what I do as?.

Is it instinct, is it preternatural instinct because the arrows I simply feel flying towards.... Adrian is looking at me.

"You're supposed to wake me up" I say standing up from the chair and shaking my head.

It is considerably late into the night, it is considerably late and everyone should be asleep but yet here I am still awake and carrying a sleeping boy.

"Can we go now?" I say looking at him.

I'm myfeeling shy to ask about how the expenses will be paid. I hate being cashless. Adrian had been the one who paid for all the expenses the first time, he had been the one who paid for everything but would I also not have to chip in?.

Am I not to feel mandated to chip in especially when we are all going to be spending a night in a five star hotel.

"Are you sure this is the safe thing to do?" say looking at Adrian and he nods his head.

"Why should it not be safe?, By morning we'll return back so stop worrying". He says this looking at me with genuine care and concern written on his face. I gulp. A night out it is.