
Chapter 20

The mission might seem simple enough, but as I think on it further, the more complex it becomes. I, no We, have to present ourselves to the parents of someone who tricked them into losing all thier fortune in the first place, and now is presenting some girl who's barely twenty and saying she's his wife and the only plan he has to get back what he's lost in the first place. If I was his parents I wouldn't believe him.

The way my own plan amounts to nothing and comes crumbling in my head makes me let out a pained frustrated groan. "I'm not sure I can do this" Adrian's eyes widen in surprise and panic, like someone who was about to lose thier last ray of hope. The action is surprisingly endearing "I'm not saying that I want to back out of the agreement" I say, "it's just I don't think I'm the right one for this sort of thing. I'm eighteen, there's too much at stake here. If I make a single mistake your plans might come tumbling, and so would any chance you have at getting your inheritance".

His eyes hold a surprising calm and an emotion that makes my heart start beating faster. "Aderyn, you've been doing perfectly well since the very minute you got here. I think I would have been wrong to have picked anyone else to be with me at this time, if it wasn't you. It's just pure luck that I met you when I did, and I'm very sure that you're the one who'll help me win this".

The words make me feel like I'm grasping for breath. I turn my eyes away and fake the action of thinking furtively for a way out, instead I'm smiling and grinning like an idiot. "And if it's about the matter of your age rest assured, it won't matter". "Why?" I reply before I can stop myself. He looks at me with a sort of glance that tells me I'm overlooking something very obvious. I turn back to face him fully and I still can't figure it out. He sighs "I'm Nineteen".

"You're Nineteen?" I say disbelieving and suprised at the same time. "How old did you think I was?" I avert my face away. So that face, and that charming nature, and that well shaped and built body belonged to a nineteen year old. My blush deepens as I realise he's staring at me.

"Let's get this lunch over with!" I walk into the wardrobe and see an array of clothes of different shapes and colors. The designs on some are simple while on other's it's just eye catching. "You ordered these?" I ask and he scratches the back of his head "well I didn't say we were completely broke".

I ignore the shy comment and pick out a dress. A snowy white and silver short gown. I'd already finished changing when I realise Adrain is still in the room. He turned his back on me while I changed, but that wasn't our agreement was it. No time for that now. I'm done and walking out, when someone assails us, hazelnut hair framing an impossibly beautiful face.

From his description I know who it is, and I can't help but ask myself, is it that hard to go to a lunch in peace?.