
Chapter 206

He is looking at me, he is looking at me like he's shocked and surprised at what I'm saying and I have to roll my eyes at this.

"How is your new relationship?" I say looking at him and asking him in the most sincere tone that I can muster.

I mean this guy makes me angry, he makes me annoyed and he makes me feel resentful about myself that i even entangled myself with someone like this. He makes me feel mad, let's us just conclude it at that point, and for him to even make a reappearance, for him to make a reappearance again, I am looking at the skies right now, I am mentally looking at the skies and I am practically asking them why??, just why???, just why should Lucas make an appearance back into my life?.

I mean wasn't it enough, wasn't it enough with the amount of trouble that I've been going through the past few days?.

"Are you happy with yourself?" Lucas says looking at me. He thinks I'm feeling guilty, the fool.

"You have turned yourself into a literal prostitute, i mean look at what you're wearing??!!!".

I have to cock an eyebrow up at him.

He knows what he's doing, he knows what he's doing, this dress is decent.

Even if he wants to complain, which he has no right to do at this point, about the exposure at the back, that is not his business.

The only reason why he's trying to make me feel awkward about this is because he knows me. He knows I hate wearing anything that outlines my body, he knows that I hate wearing anything that makes me look good, I hate wearing it because of the fear of what irresponsible men will do to me if they saw me but right now, right now, I am the most safe thing on the planet.

I am the most safe person on the planet because I'm surrounded by people who love me and who see me as a person, not as an object.

"It is still none of your business, can you make yourself scarce??. I was having a very nice time before you came".

He's looking at me, frustration and anger written all over his face and Adrian is looking at him.

I can see that deadly amusement in his eyes, I know that he's just waiting for Lucas to make a move. He's waiting for Lucas to make a move or to throw a little tantrum, and then he would find his face in the floor.

I am looking at him and he's still looking at me.

I'm mentally begging that he will do nothing of the sort, please, i do not want a fight to break out this night.

Eras is giggling, he is giggling as he's looking at me and he raises his head up.

"I told you to slap him didn't I?, If you had all this would have been over a long long time ago".

I am shocked at this, I am totally shocked at this because how did he know?, how did he know that Lucas was even going to be here today???.