
Chapter 197

I really expected them to simply stand there, waiting for me to summon up the courage to wake up a little boy but it's otherwise.

"Any time now?" Arden says looking at me.

We have all changed our outfits, we have all changed our outfits and she's wearing a black turtleneck with a tight skirt.

Well it isn't really that tight, it just hugs her body in a way that I do not want to imagine possible.

 Am i even one to talk, my dress is practically the most outrageous of them all.

I don't know why I'm even wearing something like this, the back is exposed, that is all I can say, it has a deep V line at the back and I don't know what point I want to prove wearing something like this.

"Contemplating your choice of clothing again?" Alice says quirking an eyebrow up at me and i nod my head.

I don't know why this dress fits me, it fits me perfectly and so I feel reluctant to rip it off my body but still...., it isn't something that i would have imagined wearing, it isn't something that i would have won on a normal day is it?.

"Is there any way to back out now?" I say looking at the three people who are still staring at me and they all shake their heads.

They shake their heads all at once and Adrian is wearing a particularly delighted smile on his face.

He looks maddening, he looked dashing in casual clothes, the same way he looks so exquisite while wearing a formal tuxedo and whatever other fancy thing he puts around his neck, he still looks dashing in casual clothes. I have to avert my eyes because if I keep on staring I'm pretty sure that I will begin drooling.

"You cannot back out, you're the one who suggested this, so wake the little boy up and let's go".

"What is he even going to wear?" I say looking at the three of them and Arden smiles.

She smiles as she bends under Adrian's bed and pulls out a bag.

She pulls out the bag and she has a practical smile on her face.

"I had always thought Adrian and Charlotte were going to have a baby soon anyways".

 I feel shocked at this. I feel shocked at this because what the heck???.

"Did you just say that in front of me?" I say looking at her and she laughs.

"All right, I had not been expecting that, well anyways its full of Adrian's old clothes"

"Five-year-old clothes" I say looking at her and she nods her head.

She brings out a dashing trouser and shirt and I have to cock an eyebrow up at Adrian.

"Even when you were a child you still had the exquisite sense of fashion" I say looking at him and he smiles sighing dramatically.

"What can I say, father and mother would have expected nothing less than exquisite".

 Everyone around me chuckles at this and I grab the clothes.

Now the only problem, the only lingering problem is how to wake the boy up.

Why is this so hard????.