
Chapter 195

"How about we get out of here?" Adrian says practically looking around like he hates the sight of each and every person that is around.

He is looking around like he is simply disgusted by them and my stomach is dropping, my stomach is dropping in trepidation as I realise exactly what could have happened here.

I am carrying Ercles.

I'm carrying the five-year-old boy who is still nestled into my shoulder sleeping as peacefully as he can.

The arrow could have hit him. The arrow could have hit any one of us and suddenly I feel anger and panic flaring up in me.

"Can we really leave?" I say looking at him and he nods his head.

"But didn't we come here for something in the first place?" I say and he simply shrugs his shoulders.

"That doesn't matter, that doesn't matter when someone is literally trying to kill you"

"Can we even do anything about her?" Alice says looking at him and he shakes his head.

They engage in a conversation, they engage in a conversation which I cannot understand because it is simply weird.

It was almost like they wrey deliberately trying to code their words so it doesn't make sense to me, it doesn't make sense to me at all.

It sounds incomprehensible and so I do not bother about it. Instead I look at the little boy who is nestled on my shoulder.

I don't know why I feel this sudden surge of emotion for him. I mean what would have happened to him if I died, what would have happened to him if I had died right now, what would have happened if that arrow had lodged itself into my heart and I fell down on the floor, the literal life leaving me.

He would be alone once more. He will be alone and he would have lost two people now.

He would have lost me and he would have also lost his father.

Well he has lost his father and I'm pretty sure that he hasn't recovered from that pain yet. He hasn't recovered from the pain of his father's death and I'm the one who has taken him in now.

I'm the one has taken him in so if he was to lose me, if he was to lose me, well Adrian would not let him go, Arden and Alice would not let him go that easily. I'm sure they will also be here to take care of him but yet I feel there is a special bond between us, I think I would miss him even in death and the fact scares me.

"How about with ditch this joint?" Adrian says looking at me with that confident smile of his and I nod my head.

"Can we go out today?" I say looking at the three of them hopefully, and you can see the practical shock that is passing through them.

"You really want to go out, as in out?" Alice says looking at me and i nod my head.

"I think I've had enough of these walls for one night ".