
Chapter 193

"Why don't you actually go see what they want instead of you to stay here and keep on panicking?" Arden says looking at Adrian and he shoots her a look that makes her simply keep her mouth shut, so he can keep up pacing up and down.

it is almost like every one simply avoids the area that we are in, every one simply avoid the area that we are in and I am thankful for this. I don't think the little boy would have liked it if people were simply brushing past his shoulders each and every moment someone else walks by.

I can feel a lot of looks on us.

I can see a lot pf curious looks and I shoot everyone that looks at me a deadly glare.

Yes, they should see the boy, they should see him and they should know that they were the ones who deprived him of his father.

I doubt that is what anyone would be thinking right about now. I wonder at this place, i wonder at exactly how this place works. I mean the majority of people who are here are basically between the ages of nineteen to twenty six, there shouldn't be anyone who is older than thirty here except among the older generation, everyone who is looking at me is simply as an exquisite a young face as it can be.

I use the word exquisitely young because that is how everyone looks, everyone looks too young to be in such a place like this, they all look too young to carry out the sort of cruelty that they do and I wonder at how the layers of power work here.

Are these kids simply tools in the hands of their parents or do they actually hold any legit power in this place.

I look at the three people crowded around me. I look at the three people who are practically surrounding me right now, Adrian trying to get something from his phone, Alice looking around, probably searching for something and not taking note of something.

Arden is standing awkwardly on one leg.

"Is your injury really that bad?" said looking at and she hesitates.

"Well it isn't that bad, the doctor says that in a few more weeks I should be able to walk just fine"

"Are you sure about that?" I say looking at her and she nods her head.

Well it wouldn't be the first time that they were lying to me but still it's not like they lied to me, it's almost like they sought to cover up everything that they wanted to say with another story entirely and so I have to ask her to be doubly sure.

I am feeling strange now I am finished strange now because I feel something else is about to happen.

I use one of my hands to move Arden out of the way.

Well i don't move her out of the way as much as I simply drag her a few inches to the side.

An arrow practically whizzes by me.

Seriously??, they have got to stop doing that.