
Chapter 189

Well i have to say that the amount of people in this place is huge, the amount of people in these place is enormous.

I'm guessing that this is supposed to be expected, it's not like the place itself is really small anyways, it is practically a fortress on its own, well ten times a fortress if I consider it well.

You would expect me not to have a mental image of a fortress in my mind but yet I do. My mind simply keeps on supplying all these measurements and calculations, I'm pretty sure that I can tell you exactly what Adrian's height is now.

I can tell exactly what anybodys height is simply by looking at them, it is almost like my brain simply latches onto it and it is making me scared and excited at the same time.

My steps are fluid, my steps are free and fast enough that i simply keep on cutting in between crowds of people, and it takes Adrian and Alice each a good minute to catch up to me.

"Where are you running off to?" Adrian says quirking an eyebrow up to look at me.

"I'm not running off anywhere" I say and he simply smiles.

"Then why are you walking that fast, why are you walking like someone is chasing you?"

"Was i walking really fast?" I say looking at him and he nods his head.

"Seriously, you need some rest".

Alice is practically wheezing in and out and I have to smile at this. I have to smile at this because i didn't know I was walking that fast.

"So what is the purpose of this function?" I say looking around.

The place simply looks calm, it looks calm and peaceful with kids that are practically my age engaging in pleasant conversation, almost like they were distinguished aristocrats.

Well it's not really an aristocratic setting as much as I would call it that.

They look grown up, the look mature, they look distinguished, they did not look like the murderers and the killers that they truly are.

Everyone is simply walking about engaging in pleasant conversation and grabbing some treats for themselves.

The moment my eyes land on a trail of treats that is passing by me, I simply deftly remove it from the waiters hands.

You know, I would have thought that the waiter would be annoyed by this. I would have thought that he would be annoyed by this but he simply smiles and he walks away.

It is the smile that makes me suspicious. It is the smile that makes me suspicious because I know what had happened the first time that I had simply accepted food from just anyone.

"Is it poisoned?" I say looking at Alice and she cocks an eyebrow up at me.

"How am I supposed to know from that far a distance?".

I'm guessing that's logical, no one should really know if food is poisoned except if they have tasted It.

"Bring It closer to me so I can find out".