
Chapter 188

"There are security cameras in the rooms?" I say looking at her and she cocks a mischevious look at me.

"Why should there not be security cameras in the rooms?" She asks and i know in my mind, her question has simply gone another way.

My mind has simply gone another way because the next moment Alice's eyes fly wide open and she looks at me, practical scandal written on her forehead.

I flush weirdly at this. I flush weirdly at this and I realise that this is not the right reaction.

"It is not what you are thinking, security cameras in rooms are uncalled for don't you think?" I say looking at Adrian and he smiles.

He smiles almost like he knows exactly what is passing through our minds right now and I almost kick him in the shoulder. I mean the way that he's practically smiling, the way he's practically grinning, it's scandalous at best.

"What do you want her to think when you are smiling like that?" I say looking at him and the smile on his face instantly drops. It drops but yet he is still holding it back, he is still holding it back trying so desperately not to smile and Alice is looking at us with even more scandal written all over her face.

"The security cameras in the room do not belong to anyone, they belong to Adrian himself, for when he wants to keep an eye on what is going on in his room when he isn't there".

I am flushing red at this, I'm flushing red at this and I look at her.

"Then why are you smiling so mischeviously?" I say and she wiggles her eyebrows at me.

"I'm smiling so mischeviously because of why you are flushing. Why are you flushing when you now know that there are security cameras in your room. Do you think someone is watching you?".

The way she says "you", the way she says "you", it's almost like she's referring to the both of us. It makes me simply want to scream.

"Can we stop talking about this?" I say almost bleeding from the nose and she nods her head.

She nods her head but yet that smile is still on her face. I wish Arden was here, I wish she was here to back me up because I'm pretty sure that she will not allow me to be tormented like this if she was here.

"Is Arden going to be okay soon?" I say looking at the both of them and they nod their head.

Adrian nods as he flashes me a smile.

"You'll get to see her this evening"

"So where we are going?" I say looking at the both of them and they nod their head, no answers.

To be sincere, this walk is considerably long, this walk is considerably long, and I'm guessing that judging the size of this place, it is right for it to be long.

I can already hear some hubub of activity and I straighten my posture. Time to show the brave part of me.