
Chapter 182

"What is the time on your phone?" I say looking at Alice and asking politely.

 She smiles back at me.

"Half past two"

"Two??" I say looking at her and she nods.

"You were asleep for two days, you practically woke up this morning, are you sure that we are on the same time track here?" she says looking at me and I have to take some time to myself.

I have to take some time to myself to practically recompose my mind because two-thirty???. I'm pretty sure that my mind frame had been that we would be in the evening.

I mean I thought we would even be late into the night but here it two thirty. It is still too early isn't it.

"Then what exactly do they want with us around the hours of two?" I say looking at Alice and Adrian and they both share a look.

"Calm down, it isn't going to be anything dangerous"

"Are you guys sure about this?" I say making sure they are seeing all the concern and the fear that shows in my voice

Adrian comes over to me.

"If anything is to happen, I promise, you won't be hurt"

"And I won't be involved in it in any way?" I say looking at him and Adrian's lips form into a tight smile.

He brings out a pinky finger to me, and I latch mine onto it smiling, as excited as a child.

"I promise, if anything is to ever happen, you will never get hurt, you never get involved in any way. I'll always be there to protect you".

It is that last part that i catch onto. It is that last part that matters to me the most because it is a promise from him.

I realise now that as much as Adrian's relationship with me seems to be a little precarious and sharp around the edges, still, we work well together, we work considerably well together, and if not for the awkwardness I'm suddenly developing whenever I'm with him. I'm sure that we would work better.

This promise is practically a guarantee that he will always be here to protect me, that he will always be here, simple.

I know that he does not go back on his words.

We walk down the hall, we walk down the hall to this place and I have to take the time to inspect this place. I don't think I've ever been in this wing of the winter house before, i don't even know if it is still winter, or if it is spring, or if it's even summer, that is how cooped up I have been inside.

That is how cooped up I have been inside and I have to shake my head.

I really need to get out.

"Has it even been Christmas yet?" I say looking at the both of them and they shake their head looking at me.

Surprised. I am genuinely surprised because I'm pretty sure that I've spent a year here, haven't I?.

"How many days have I been here?" I say looking at them.