
Chapter 177

I have to say that I love this thing about kids. I love this about kids because sorrow never really sticks to them.

Sorrow never really sticks to them as much as it would stick to anyone else.

Even though I was practically twelve when father and mother died. I had felt their death strongly for four years, but yet this kid is practically smiling at me, not three days after his father has died. I'm guessing that the reality of it will be coming in lapses to him.

It will be coming in steady blows and that is what I want to avoid. That is what I'm planning to avoid by taking him in.

Sure enough I do not know if I will be able to do this. I do not know how I will manage it. I know next to nothing about taking care of a kid and I know almost next to nothing about taking care of a five-year-old for that matter, but yet the boy looks capable to me. He looks like he can take care of himself and I'm pretty sure that my heart will not let me be if I left him out here.

"I promise with all my heart. I promise you that I'll take care of you, and when you're all grown up...., you'll finally be able to go anywhere you like"

"Really?" he says eyes wide open at me and I nod my head.

I realise that last part is for me, that last part is for me because I am scared now. I am scared of this place. I don't know what I've gotten myself into by agreeing to Adrian's deal.

At least I should have been leaning towards an even safer proposal but yet I did not. I simply agreed to this little..... whatever will I even call it right now, I agreed to it and now I am here.

I am here in this place that seems only sorrow and sadness.

Adrian and Alice are behind me, they are behind me looking at the both of us.

Alice looks like she's almost going to cry but then she's holding herself strong, she's holding herself together because she sees the effort I'm putting in to holding myself together.

I'm holding myself together because of him.

We are similar i and him. We are similar in the way that we have both lost our parents, we are now alone in the world and so we are all we have. I realise that i have unconsciously said this to him and he tilts his head.

"You know that's not true. Father said we are never truly alone. He's still here with me". I sigh.

"Are you ready to leave your dad now?" I say to him and his look darkens. He looks like he'll cry.

"I will come back to visit him?" he says and I nod.

"Everyday if you want".

He nods at me and he tightens his pinky finger around mine.


I smile as I grab him, and heft him onto my shoulders.

He smiles as he puts his head there.

"I'm guessing that he is very sleepy, three days on the ground could not have been very comfortable anyways".