
Chapter 155

An audible hush has descended upon the crowd i notice.

I notice it because that practically makes this place feel really silent and eery.

I think everyone is also regarding the two opponents, everyone is regarding them because in a few more minutes the games will start.

What is a few more minutes?, I mean in a few more seconds, in a few seconds people will begin placing bets on this pale-skinned guy because he looks more dangerous. He looks dangerous enough to look, and for one thing he is not smiling.

I cannot tell you how much Adrian's smile annoys me, put your face in a serious look, look serious and look deadly and dangerous so that you can intimidate your opponent.

I doubt Adrian will be able to intimidate this guy though.

I am practically in awe as I am staring at him.

A slender build, a really really slender build that practically has all the requirements for making him a model, well really not a model as much as something more exquisite but still, the guys form doesn't look like he's made for fighting.

Slim shoulders and that thinning waist, a slim waist which practically slims down to legs that strech for miles.

Compact muscles everywhere.

I'm guessing he must be working out then, but even with all the muscles hd still looks slender, he still looks frail. I do not want to use the word frail because he doesn't look weak in any way.

He doesn't look like the slightest push might break him, instead he looks like he might kill anyone who pushes him even slightly and I think this is what makes my stomach drop in trepidation.

Well people say don't judge a book by its cover so I should probably let this fight begin first before I start worrying about the outcome.

As expected a huge mummur suddenly erupts from the crowd, a huge mummur suddenly rises among the crowd as everyone is placing bets, everyone is placing bets on this new arrival and I quirk an eyebrow up at Arden.

"Want to bet with me?" I say and she shakes her head quickly.

"No thank you, I am not Interested".

My face practically blanks at this because I thought she would consent as a way to get my mind off the games, but here she is outrightly refusing me.

"I bet with you!!" I said so smiles.

"Nobody forced you to do that, you will not force me to enter a bet with you".

She's saying this as seriously and as comically as she can, but yet I can see the smile that is creeping up her face.

I can see the little smile that is creeping up her face and I simply want to smack myself in the face.

"So it is fair for me to bet with you but yet it's not fair for you to bet with me"

"You lost fair and square, don't try to redeem yourself by betting on your husband".

I smile at this because she's right.

I would have placed my bet on Adrian because it would make me feel even more secure. it's all fun and games at the end.