
Chapter 150

I wonder why everybody in the crowd is sounding shocked. I mean it is practically the same fight that we are watching but yet I realise that is not the same fight that we are watching.

Everyone is watching this fight from the place that benefits them the most, almost like the bet that me and Alice just placed now, everyone else has also placed bets on the outcome of this fight, everyone has placed bets on the outcome of this miserable stupid little fights that they are both having because Damen has clearly won.

He has clearly won and it was not what anyone was expecting.

Everyone was expecting that silver eyes, with the performance that he has put up before, would be the one to win but yet right now, Silver eyes is practically passed out on the floor, exhausted and having taken a hit to the head from Damen, I'm pretty sure that he is not going to be waking up anytime soon.

He is lying down on the floor, almost looking peaceful and graceful his unconscious state, and I expect Damen to do what everyone else has been doing, i am expecting him to sever the head from this guy's shoulders and leave looking content and satisfied with his kill, but he manages to surprise me.

He surprises me in the fact that he does not do this, he does not do any of this is, he simply walked away to the edge of the field and waits for the announcer to come announce him the Victor.

Okay, this is surprising, this is surprising, and the realisation hits me that we might not be the only sane people in this place.

We might not be the only sane and mentally sound people in this place, but yet a face pops up, a face pops up in my head as I realised exactly who that man is allied with. Charlotte.

I practically hate the guts out of that girl, and I know that is not healthy for me to feel such emotions towards someone, I know that is unhealthy for me to feel such emotions towards anybody but still I feel them towards her because she's making him do things that he does not want to do.

I can see her practically glaring at him from the crowd and booing, she's practically the only one that is making this sound but yet it carries through the crowd, it carries to the crowd and every one simply starts laughing because exactly how funny is it to them.

How funny is it that a female, a really pretty female at that should be booing a champion who has practically just won this fight but yet I know to her he has not won, he has not won until he kills somebody and that is exactly all she wants.

She wants him to kill someone, she wants him to commit some murder and I doubt Damen is up for that.

He simply removes his eyes from her like she doesn't matter.