
Chapter 149

"Who do you think is going to win?" I asked Alice and she keeps quiet for a moment, she keeps quiet for a moment watching the fight going on in front of her .

 Damen is fighting as fast as I can imagine him fight, he is as fast and as serious as he can because the iron whips are getting closer to him second-by-second, they're getting closer to nicking each every part of him with each and every passing moment, and I don't think that is good, that is not good at all.

It isn't safe for iron whips to bear such a close proximity to your skin, and my heart practically flies into my mouth at this point.

"I choose Damen" she says.

I cock my eyebrows up at this, with the way silver eyes is fighting and with the Damen is fighting, you would know that silver eyes bore a much more steady chance than Damen did but yet something points itself out to me 

Yes I'm actually bold enough to say that it points itself out to me because I'm not the one that notices this, it seems that i immediately catch on to it the moment it happens, just for a bit of a moment, just for a tiny bit, i see exhaustion flash by on silver eyes's face. I see a flash of trepidation and exhaustion flash on his face and I know that Alice has placed the right bet.

She had placed the right bet because there's totally no way that he is going to win. He is totally tired, he is tired up to the point that he is barely able to breathe and so he is intensifying his attacks all at once.

Damen has stored up his reserves of energy and so he is expending it now, he is expending it at the right time because this guy simply wasted his all that while he was baiting Damen.

"Can I also choose Damen?" I ask and she shakes her head.

"I chose him first so, simply just give up and you owe me a promise".

She says it's like it is the easiest thing to do in the world, but yet I do not want to back down, I do not want to back down so easily and so we watch the fight continue, with me hoping each and every passing moment that this guy actually manages to beat Damen.

okay, if he manages to beat him then I would have also managed to beat Alice but yet I do not want any blood to be spilt.

As much as I do not know who silver eyes is, i am practically of the opinion that no blood needs to be spilt more than it has already been spilt already. That guy who just killed one of those mercenaries was stupid and he was stupid enough so I am hoping that both of them have enough sense not to kill each other.

A gasp goes out through the crowd and I wonder why that is.