
Chapter 146

I actually chuckle a little bit at this and they're both surprised.

"Why are you laughing?" Alice asks me, her voice haven't gone down a notch and making it sound sorrowful like Adrian was full on dead already and I shake my head at this.

"Don't worry, he won't die, I'm sure of it. He won't to lose to any of them".

It would sound like I was mad, it would sound like I was simply trying to convince myself that it was not going to happen, it was not going to happen because i didn't want to believe the facts in front of me but yet I'm sure of it.

Adrian doesn't look like someone who is stupid, he doesn't act like someone who is stupid either mind you and so I know he has a back-up plan. I know that has a back-up plan for whatever is happening here because he has practically been so focused throughout today, he has been so unfocused sorry, and acting so nonchalantly about these games that I know he is fully ready and prepared for it.

Whatever happens, whatever might happen, he is ready and prepared for it and so I should stop worrying about him.

I should stop worrying about him so that i can focus back on the game and try to get him a leverage against others, let me try to get him upper hand, some detail which no one else might notice in their techniques or in their footwork, but which will be helpful all the same.

The moment I set myself to this, I can already see the flaws in their execution.

Silver eyes is wielding his iron whips really well, he is weilding them really really efficiently that you would think nothing was bound to come here near him, but yet Damen is still nicking him.

Damen gets some opening not once, not twice but a couple number of times which should not even be possible at this point and I notice why that is.

He is handling the whips somehow awkwardly, he handles them awkwardly like it was almost like he's not familiar with them enough yet.

He truly is not familiar with them enough and I realise why that is, maybe this is all new to him too, maybe he had also been hired by someone else and so he has to fight with this silver whips but yet he fights with it to a certain level of grace and efficiency.

It is a certain level of Grace and efficiency that makes me left in awe at his movements but still he dosen't handle the whip very well though, and most of the time he ends up lashing out into thin air just a few inches away from Damen.

I also noticed something about Damen, he doesn't try to show the exhaustion and the weakness that he's feeling on his face, he doesn't try to show any of that on his face because then he'll be considered weak and incapable and so he hides it.

I know for a fact now that letting out your emotions helps, it helps a lot but yet he's keeping everything bottled up inside because he doesn't want to look weak and fragile.

As sad as that is, it is also a flaw.