
Chapter 140

Okay I have to admit I have to admit that this place is pretty dope, this place is pretty clean and neat and simply comfortable to be viewing the fights and we are so close to the training grounds.

"How do people not know about this spot?" I ask amused and Arden points to a rod that is in the corner.

I can see that there are various bats forged all over it. It's where we are sitting, just under a tree a tree that has perfect shade, and which is practically just standing in front of the fighting rings, and even though people are crowded all around us, even though people are crowded all around us, there is no one who is coming near us and I can see some people giving us a few resentful stares and Alice is smiling conspiratorially to herself.

"Everyone thinks this place is cursed" Arden says smirking at me and I can feel fear pass through me.

"Because?" I ask and she tilts her head playfully.

"Do you believe it?" she says and I take into account that smile that is on her face, that delighted twinkle in her eyes, and that smirkey grin that is on Alice's face.

"You spread such a rumour?" I say astounded and she nods her head.

"Well it won't be much of a rumor now when people have seen us here but still, at least this place has some use to me finally" she says and I look at her.

"Exactly how can you even start such a rumor?" I say and she smiles delighted at me.

"Very very simple. Simply whisper it into the right ears".

 From the way Alice is almost doubling over in laughter I know that she's the right ear that she has whispered into.

Another set of fights are about to begin and there's trepidation awash in my stomach, there's enough trepidation to make me feel scared and jumpy at the same time, but yet these two people that I am with, these two people do not make me even feel the effect of my fear anymore.

They make me to be calm and complacent about everything that is happening and I'm really thankful to them for that.

"Stop looking at us like that, you look at us like we are the world" Arden says and I smile at this.

"You guys are the best friends I could have ever asked for" I say and they release loud awnnnnnns together.

"You know I'm really surprised by you" Arden says and I quirk an eyebrow up at her.

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask and she smiles 

"The moment Adrian had called me, the moment Adrian had told me that he had found someone who would help him get his inheritance back, I thought he was only joking, i thought you were here to take advantage of him the way I saw others taking advantage of him, but yet now, now i can see that isn't the case".