
Chapter 13

The car ride is silent as I stare out the window. Am I really in my right senses going into an arrangement like this?. Is this some sort of scam, in which I'll be forced to live like some slave after all this?. A million questions flit through my mind as the car makes its steady movement forward.

I look out at the rolling landscape and see the Christmas spirit has already set in, even if it's just a day into November. It's not surprising to see Christmas lights wrapped all over some houses at this time of the year.

I don't know the last time I'd enjoyed Christmas. I remember with father it was mainly all about relaxing after ten months of hectic working. He always wanted to relax whenever Christmas was near and it was always custom for him to stock up on his favorite comfort foods. It was all about the joy of relaxing to him. There was no other thing to do at this time of the year except relax.

I can almost imagine the satisfied smike that would light his face whenever these two months approaches. It meant no more work, Christmas was basically about fun and relaxation to him.

My mom on the other hand. Christmas was all about the fun times. From the start of the season she would make sure we visited at least all the new amusement parks. She thrift shopped and bought as much as she could. Sometimes, we would go out after she had cooked at least a weeks week's worth of Food, then we would go to the less developed areas and find some less privileged family.

It felt good to give, just the satisfaction that I felt from having given so much to someone and putting a little smile on thier faces in return.

I can remember the way my mother's face lighted up at the sight of a family being happy during Christmas, and knowing that it was because of what she did, of something we had both done. I can't help but feel pain in my heart whenever I think of memories like this. It's the things that they did, and the way they lived thier lives that makes me feel that they didn't get what they deserved.

They deserved a long fruitful life, a life in which they would get to see me grow up and make them proud. They deserved a life where they would get the greatest of what they put into life. All thier kindness, all thier love, all thier Patience in life. They weren't meant to die like that, they weren't meant to lose thier lives like that. I'm not supposed to be living this life without them, I'm not meant to be an orphan.

They should be with me. Thier only child shoukd not be living an orphan when they themselves had been kind to orphans. Thier legacy in this life shouldn't be me, it should be at least three kids who I would love and cherish as my siblings. I can't help but feel life is unfair. It's not fair when people that were so good recieved so little good in return.