
Chapter 138

"That I did not know about" Adrian says as he shoots me and appreciative look.

I'm guessing I have been of some help after all, and I wear a proud grin on my face as he walks out.

"Where is this place anyways?" I say as I look around.

Arden moves over to the wall in the corner, and it happens this is not a wall, just a set of pitch black curtains which decide to not give themselves away at the moment.

She open is it and I find I am even closer to the fighting pits than I expected.

"This is for Adrian's parents, well it is a special box that is reserved for all the elders and so they say they give it to us, just for today" she says practically wearing a proud grin on her face.

Okay I am excited at this because I now have a place to sit and safely view these games, but still I am dissatisfied.

"You don't like it" she asks me, suprised to see the change of expression on my face and I shake my head.

"I do. It is very comfy and to allow us have a very nice of you on this of this place, it's really nice of his parents, but still...." 

She nods her head as at me as she gets what I am trying to imply.

While I had been downstairs, while I had been among other people I could catch bits of conversation, I could catch little little snippets of conversations which would enable me gather some info on exactly who was coming up next, information which I can pass on to Adrian if there is any need or if I feel this person poses a threat to him, but now that we are here, just the three of us, the games will become boring easily and Alice practically jumps up and down in excitement.

"Calm your horses" Arden says and Alice shoots her a glare.

"Who are you calling a horse".

Arden scoffs at this as she closes the curtains again and both of them wait for me to change.

I slip out of the gown and I change into this black shirt and silver pants, I wonder what it is with me and silver today.

I look at myself in the mirror by the side and see my hair is still falling in loose curls over my shoulder, I doubt this is the picture that I want to paint to anybody.

I look wild, I look like something untamed, and I look around to see a pink ribbon being handed over to me.

"I thought you might need it" Alice says and I shoot her a grateful look.

Using the ribbon I tie my hair into a ponytail and both of them regard my look with raised eyebrows.

"I don't you can look all that courageous and brave if you are still wearing those heels" Alice says and I look down to my legs to see that the slight pumps that I am wearing are still there.

My face flushes and i change them into the boots that Adrian has given me.

Now I feel confident, now I feel like I'm ready to go out once more.

"The games await".