
Chapter 136

Ok I'm frantically searching around for Adrian now, I'm frantically searching around for him and I have spent the past five minutes searching for him but yet I have arrived at no headway because I simply can't find him. I grunt in frustration.

When you don't need the guy, he will be around, but when you are actually looking for him, when you're looking for him like your life depended on it, he will simply make himself scarce.

I groan at this. The next fight is about to begin, the next series of fights are about to begin and I still haven't found Adrian yet

I'm pissed off at this because I can already hear people cheering as the next contestants are being led into the ring, and I find I actually have an eagerness as to watching this fight play out.

As much as it is cruel and it is bloody, it is also surprisingly interesting, especially with the addition of this new person. I can still envision silver eyes as they focus with a deadly precision.

The guys fighting style is amazing, and even if I don't know anything about fighting, even if I know next to nothing about physical combat, I find that I actually like his form of physical combat.

He makes it look elegant.

I walk back to the borders as I'm giving up my search for Adrian, mostly because I want to see what is going on, but I can see that there is practically a huge crowd converged and now it seems all the other games have stopped and everyone is fully focused on watching the fighting rings.

Okay, I can swear that the number of people have increased at this point and I can see a lot of new faces, new faces which wear snobbish haughty looks on their face as they regard me each and every time I pass by.

Okay, this is unexpected. Where do I begin searching for Arden and Alice.

I think about this only for them to appear by my side practically grabbing me by the arm and walking away with me.

"Where were you?" Alice says looking around and smiling frantically, I don't get why she's doing this.

"I was looking for the both of you" I told her and they both nod thier heads.

"Come on, we have a new place that we are staying" she says and ww begin working towards this new place.

We actually climb a flight of stairs only for me to see the person that i had been looking for, only for me to see Adrian lying on the floor and unconscious.

I cannot tell you the sort of fear that bolted through my heart at this point, I cannot tell you the amount of fear that i was feeling in my heart because exactly why would he be like that, exactly why will he be lying down on the floor unmoving.

I stand there in shock a little bit as different explanations fly through my head, I stand in fear and shock as the worst of them rears up its head in my mind.