
Chapter 133

"You think we have a tracker placed on each other?" Alice asks me as I suddenly realise exactly who I have stopped beside in my eagerness to watch the battle that is going on.

I shoot her a sly grin at this as she comically smiles back at me 

"You would think that with the way we simply kept bumping into each other every where we have placed trackers on each other".

"I'm pretty sure Arden will be here by your side any moment from now" i say and we laugh at this.

It seems i had already seen Arden coming because immediately, I have my two sisters flunked beside me.

 You may wonder why I call them sisters and I do because that is exactly what they are to me, that is what they are to me now. They aren't just friends anymore, they are sisters, they are forever because they have treated me in a way that made me to temporarily forget that I do not have siblings.

I am going to ignore my newfound siblings now because there are more pressing matters at hand, more pressing matters like this but what is this going on in front of me?.

"I thought Adrian and Damen were the only ones who were competing themselves?" I say and Alice practically shakes her head.

"Even I cannot place if this guy is an actual competitor or if he has been hired by someone else".

It seems silver eyes actually had a purpose to fulfill here. He had a mission here to fulfill on his own and I wonder why someone who's supposed to be in the tent for people who haven't competed was casually walking about.

I wonder why he was walking about casually enough to even bump into me and to stare at me.

I have to say that I am mesmerized, I am totally fascinated by his fighting because if there is anyone who fits the description that Arden had giving me of Adrian and Damen fighting, a fight like dance, then this is it.

He fits the description perfectly because I can also see exactly how graceful he looks. The guy that he has been pitted against is one of the huge bulking mercenary types, he was also is also using an hammer, and I almost feel, yes this is the same person I was asking Adrian to avoid.

 I dispel that fact quicklu because I notice this isn't the hammer. It is a tad bit different from the one I had seen before.

The added weapon in the original included a spike package, but this one, this one is even deadlier as I can practically see why it is.

There are barbed wires which have been molded into the metal, it has been practically forged into it and I know that the moment it comes into contact with skin it is coming away with a huge lump of skin.

There will surely be a lot of blood with this one and for some reason, I highly anticipate it.