
Chapter 125

Ok can I tell you just how much my heart is beating in my ears.

"Adrian is going to be ok right?" I say as I watch the spectacle that is unfolding before me.

I had expected the winter games to be brutal, yes, i had not expected it to be this brutal. I mean exactly what sort of a battle is it if some people have an unfair advantage over the others and no one seems to be saying anything.

No one looks like they're going to do anything about it.

"Aren't they supposed to take away that weapon from him?" I asked, as I see he's ready to get another swing in, another swing that leaves the other opponent bloody and looking like he might just die if another hit takes place.

The huge battle hammer that is being held up by the guy who looks like he has been working out ever since he was giving birth to, should no doubt be painful, it should be painful enough that when it hit against your bone, you would wish to simply die, but this person, this other person whom I cannot even quantify as a human being at this point, he has held up.

He has held up through all of this and as yet another swing comes down he does something unexpected.

You would think that with the amount of hits that you had gotten, he would be slow and sloppy, reeling from the pain of his former assaults, but yet he does something very very surprising, something that manages to surprise me and everyone else in the crowd.

He side steps the hammer as quickly as the swing comes and in the next moment, his fist is connecting with the other guys jaw. It connects with it so loudly that there is an audible crack, and I don't know if that is from a broken fist or from a broken jaw.

The next moment, a spurt of red, vibrant red liquid immediately spurts out of his opponents mouth. It comes out of it and lands on the floor in a huge hit, the blood gurgling out of his mouth like a fountain at this point.

Okay, I can't look, I can't bring myself to look at it anymore but for some weird reason I do. I am mystified and I am simply appalled at the thing that have gone on today.

This is the second duel that I am witnessing and it will doubtless be the second death, almost like the guy had heard me, he goes over to his opponents hammer and gives it a very disgusted and resentful look. I know exactly how much pain that had caused him, I know exactly how much pain the hammer that suddenly gives me a sinister recalling to the one Thor always uses in the movies, i felt the pain.

He hefts the armour up into the air in his hand, and the moment it catches the sunlight, I can see exactly what has been happening.

He doesn't even give me enough time to inspect it, he hits it on his opponent's head. He hits it with enough force that I can hear all the bones crack from here.