
Chapter 119

Alice was practically crying at the end of my little tale, well it isn't really a little tale as much as it is everything that's happened to me up till this point and I wonder why she's crying.

She just lost her sister a few days ago, I mean I should not be this suprised she did though, she's still grieving the death of her sister so she should also feel my grief quite easily.

"Exactly how have you survived up till this point?" Arden asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"I simply live every day hoping the next is better" I say.

I say it nonchalantly, I say it like it doesn't mean anything to me but yet it does. That has been my motto for the past few years now, to live everyday hoping tomorrow holds a better experience. For quite some time I had believed this, I believed that when life became the most ultimately unbearable version of itself, when you simply couldn't fathom carrying on anymore, you should simply hope for the best because life can't throw you anything worse than what you were currently experiencing.

Life taught me quite the opposite though.

"I'm really glad that I had met you" Adrian says. He says it unknowingly, like he was thinking to himself but everyone hears it.

My face immediately dropped into a blush, I dropped into such a furious blush that you would not have imagined the amount of time that I took to calm myself down, in the meanwhile both Arden and Alice were busy laughing themselves off.

The solemnity of my experience has all been forgotten now and I am thankful for it. Adrian looks like he has something to say because he is simply mortified at the fact that he has made me blush so furiously, but something stops him.

A huge sound that carries its blare all through this place, even down here where we are sitting. This place is a little bit far from the main field, but I can still hear it clearly.

It seems my mind immediately interpretes it for what it is.

"The games are starting aren't they?" I ask and all three people nod their heads at me.

Everywhere is quiet, everyone is solemn, no one is even wearing any sort of expression on their faces and I put a smile on mine.

"It's going to be okay" I say and Adrian nods at me smiling.

"You're right. It's going to be okay".

I won't say that I can ignore the fact that he's the one in the worst bit of danger here, but still that fact stands at the forefront of my mind a bit too glaringly. What if he gets injured?, what if he gets fatally injured while participating in these games, and the worst part of it all is that, he cannot forfiet. He cannot simply back out because then he would bring shame and disgrace to his family, and then they would lose all the standing that they had here.

 He simply had to participate, for himself and for his family.