
Chapter 116

"There is, but only if you want to listen".

I shake my head at this. I realise that as much as I am fascinated by everything that is going on here, well fascinated and a little bit scared witless, I also do not want to know more.

It seems the more I know, the more happens, and I'm very content to say that all that has been happening is practically enough for me at this point.

"Are you seriously not going to get any practice in?" I ask him and he shakes his head.

"It's best I don't tire myself out now, the games will soon begin and I'm pretty sure they will run late into the night. If I start practicing now, I'll simply end up tired very early into them".

I nod my head to this. It seems like a pretty stable plan, but still practice makes perfect. What if he has the energy to do everything he wants to do but yet he still does it sloppily. I'm guessing i need to stop being so worried about this and simply let It all happen first.

"Okay, so what are we supposed to do here?" I ask and Arden releases something of a shy smile.

She walks over to me and she grabs a lock of my hair in her hand.

"Do you have any notion of why your hair is this white?" she asks, and my breath practically catches at this.

"You think they're not normal?" I ask her, and she shakes her head.

"No. It's totally is normal. It totally is for someone who has bleached their hair, and even if they bleach it, it still doesn't shine like yours does".

Okay, her explanation is a little bit vague but it's something that I've always known, that my hair is a particularly white colour, a particularly white colour that gets me stares wherever I walk to.

Even at the restaurant, some people had practically been afraid for me to serve them because my hair creeped them out, but it's never seemed weird to me.

Father and mother also had white hair even though I sometimes suspected father dyed his own black whenever he was going to a really public place.

"Is there anything that I should be suspecting about it?" I ask her and she shakes her head.

"No. It is perfectly fine", but still she seems to be at a crossroad here as she battles with her words. Her expression tells me she has something to say but yet she doesn't want to say it and I wonder why that is.

"It's nothing, you'll learn about it soon enough".

Okay, add that to the list of weird things that are happening today, even if I haven't known her them for so long I know she isn't one thing mince her words. She's bold, she's outgoing, she isn't shy or timid to say anything, especially not to me.

"You're going to make the little girls scared?" Adrian says and I shoot a glare at him.

"Who are you calling little girl??".