
Chapter 10

I can see the illumination of a snow flake under the glaring light of a lampost a few feet away. "Explain these conditions your parents have given you" I say as I look Into the distance.

I want to avoid looking into his eyes. If I look into his eyes then I'm sure I'll break. The way he's offered me something so absurd is shocking, the way that I nodded out of instinct Is even more absurd. It's almost like my mind recognized what I needed at that time and made me nod without me even knowing it. Is a marriage really what I need at the point?.

I hear someone cough beside me and I see him still standing there. I think he said something but I've been too lost in my own thoughts to actually listen. I nod to him, and signal him to continue with his explanation. "When I got their signatures on the documents that would transfer all their assets to mine and Charlotte's names, I had put a clause in it. That if they ever found us unworthy of possessing such wealth they could put a vote of no confidence. That would pass the inheritance not to me, not to my parents but to any one else deemed worthy by the family's council. I had thought at the time that my family was the only ideal on left to inherit the wealth....". "But it turns out you were wrong right?". He nods ignoring my interruption and continues.

"A distant cousin has suddenly surfaced, one whom we haven't been in touch with for a long time now. Suddenly they resurface and claim ties to my grandfather. If what they say is true then my family will lose everything, even private funds. Everything will be lost. The only way out is for me to get married and prove myself responsible enough to handle the family's wealth". The explanation leave me a little bit boggled.

What sort of family has a family council?. What sort of a family places all the trust of hundred of years worth of property, and places it in the trust of a young boy.

"Wait, you said you have to be married before you can lay a claim, what about the descendants of this distant cousin, don't they have to be married too?" I ask. He nods and gives me a bitter smile, I know the answer to this question but yet i want him to say it himself.

"The only son and last descendant of this distant cousin is already married. He's roughly my age and should have all the criteria for inheriting the family's wealth. He's married to the girl I was in love with. The girl who got me into this mess in the first place". I can only imagine the sort of pain he's been feeling. The knowledge that he played right into her hands and now has put his family's future on the line.

"Why are you choosing me then?" I ask and he shrugs like he himself isn't sure why. "I see a way out when I look at you. You held your own, even aginst someone you love. I need someone like that if I'm going to win this".