
Chapter 107

I can barely see the tip of the metal, which means I will have to press the flesh beside it inwards, so Arden can use the tweezers to wrench it out. My mind begins to play a fascinating picture in my head, as i comically imagine Arden pulling out half a sword lodged into his leg, it seems watching too much anime and cartoons has finally done something to my head, and I just chuckled to myself while holding his leg up.

For the most part of it Adrian behaves like a boss, as the only sound he makes is some restrained hissing sound, a sound which tells you he's going through so much pain, but yet is doing his best to endure it and not seem like a wimp 

My mind just happens to bring a very peculiar topic to mind, exactly why have I been accepted in such a way?. I had come here thinking life would be harder than it already was, all I had to do was simply pose as someone's wife and then at the end of twp months, I go back home with the assurance of a comfortable life, but yet it seems the life I am living here, though infinitely stressful, is a bit more comfortable than the one I lived before.

The life I am living here is one with companions, I have two friends who know nothing about me but yet have accepted me with the whole of their heart, they even accept me so much as to take orders from me. I can only imagine how that would sit with regular high school girls, it would be an understatement to say high school was mean to everyone, but yes that is exactly how it happens. It happens like that because it has happened that way each and every time, but these two people, these two wonderful creatures standing just beside me helping me treat an irresponsible Adrian, they are practically not much older than me even if Arden looks like a thug with a washed out jean and the shirt she is wearing.

She still looks really neat, like some little princess who doesn't fancy gowns but she fancies all the pants and trousers a boutique could posses. Alice has only known me for barely a day now, but yet I've had more heart to heart talks with her than I've had with anyone else in my life, except for my parents.

The surprising thing is that they don't even make me feel the loss of my parents anymore, they don't make me feel like I don't belong here, or I don't have any business here, they don't boss me around but instead they let me boss them around.

Adrian lets out a particularly stifled squeal as Arden juts the piece of metal out, as I suspected it was large but not so comically large that it would be like a sword.

"Were you blind?" I ask him and he only smiles at me. That smile betrays something he's trying to hide, something I don't want to believe.