
Chapter 106

The thought seems to feel me with something of a bubbling warmth, as I distinctly remember the way mother always had her brows scrunched in disapproval whenever I came back home with a splinter in my foot.

She told me once that a needle could be thrown into the oceanz and all they needed to do to find it was to simply put my leg into the water, it would surely find its way inside. It had been something of a running joke between her and father, they never stopped teasing me about it whenever I came back home with a new splinter in my leg, or a piece of broken glass that my bare feet had picked up while I was running around the school hallways.

I don't know why I always felt more comfortable and agile whenever I was off my pumps, or the slightly heeled shoes mother always fancied buying for me. She always told me I would become a lady one day, so surely I would need to learn how to wear heels at an early age, I always hated them though, they didn't spend five minutes on my feet before I ripped them off and threw them away to go padding barefoot wherever we went.

Even when I went to an event with mother, my feet were under the table the whole time as I'm pretty sure she would have given me a disapproving glare if she had seen I had slipped out my heels yet again, and was delightedly rubbing my legs on the floor admiring the smoothness and the softness of its texture. It would seem a shame not to walk on that type of pristine tiles barefoot.

I eventually picked up a broken glass bottle there, and I remember the size of the small tweezers mum always kept handy as she never really didn't trust me to not pull off my heels.

That was the same thing Arden was holding in her hand, and I wonder why she hadn't used it all this time.

"Are you afraid of pain?" I asked Adrian. He tries to make a tough face but all in all i can still see the hesitation on his face. 

"You areeee scared of pain" I say, and the wide grin that creeps onto his face is infectious. I almost feel like using my hand to cover it so I will not burst out in a similar grin myself, but it was too late.

I find myself in grinning like a fool back at him, and the assurance in his eyes tell me he'll endure anything as long as i can get the metal out, that is exactly what matters.

I am trying to keep the fear I am feeling at a low but yet I can feel it creeping up on me like a worm. If he's injured he can't participate in the games, but if I fix this injury, there is an even bigger chance that the wound might not let him do something as simple as walking. I'm guessing having a wound beats constantly stepping on a piece of metal that is lodged in your leg though.

"Close your eyes".