
Chapter 104

I find out his arms give me the sort of freedom that allows me but my head in them. It makes all my apprehension and worries melt away and I visibly relax. I mumblr something along the lines of "You're free to leave me now" and even when Adrian releases me, his has something of reluctance in his gaze, like he feels I might just flare up at him again for being so reckless as to actually injuring himself, but really this could not have happened at a worse time.

How can you injure yourself just before....., you know what I'm not even going to think about it anymore.

"Are you sure you can walk?" I ask, and he gives me something of a confident smile as he works a few paces around, but even from afar I can still see the pain that he's trying to hide.

"Is there something lodged inside the foot?" I asked Arden and she nods her head a bit sullenly. 

"It would appear he has broken a piece of iron inside it..." and my mouth falls wide-open. How can someone actually break a piece of metal, actual metal, inside your food.

"Is it lodged securely in there?" I ask her and she nods her head once more. I practically sigh heavily at this, exactly how are we going to help someone get a piece of metal out from being lodged underneath their foot. I began pacing up and down the little patch of grass that my feet could occupy, as my mind thinks of an answer.

"Is there any way to bring it out?" I asked Arden. For some reason I find all my questions are directed at her, because she seems to have some little knowledge of this sort of thing. I don't know what bring me to this conclusion, I just know that I arrive at it without needing any other persons conviction.

She shakes her head once more confirming my suspicion that she actually knows more about the human anatomy that she's letting on. 

"We can but it will be very painful, and he won't be able to walk on it for some time", well that's convenient, that would totally go against everything we stand to gain today if he still has that thing lodged in his leg.

"Is there anyway I can substitute for him?" I ask, and it seems Adrian heard this bit of suggestion. I turned back to see him staring at me angry, and I am scared immediately. This is actually the first time I have weathered Adrian's anger before and I can't say I'm a big fan of it.

His eyes seem to narrow into slits like that of a cat, and no matter how much I find it endearing and cute, I also find it is extremely scary.

"Don't ever put yourself in danger for me" he says. He says this low enough that only the both of us hear it, but I'm pretty sure the others behind me had heard it too. Arden practically coos and Alice makes kissing noises in the air, my cheeks flush red.