
Chapte 200

I don't have to do anything. I don't have to do anything much.

Adrian is always quick to refuse them, almost like he knows that it angers me for some inexplicable reason. I call it an inexplicable reason because I do not understand why I am feeling angry. I don't understand why I am feeling angry whenever a girl approaches him.

I mean most of the time these women aren't even girls, they are actually women, like fully grown women with the big bust and everything, and they would simply be shameless enough to approach a young boy.

What am I saying?.

I'm simply jealous. I'm simply jealous of the fact that he is attracting so much stares.W

Well I can't say that I'm not attracting stares on my own but still that is by the way. The guys get the message easily enough from Adrian's hard stare and me attracting so much attention makes me feel awkward, that is why I try to avoid it as much as I can and I am cursing this damn dress for drawing so many eyes to me.

The little star of our show today is little Ercles.

The little boy looks in exquisite in whatever Arden managed to pull out for him. I mean seriously the boy looks like a little prince, especially with cloudy ash eyes, eyes that practically clash with everything else in his surroundings.

It's almost like he's set away from the world, something that is walking with us, but yet he is not of us. I'm getting oddly philosophical at this point and I walk over to him.

He is currently biting into the burger that Adrian had bought for him and wearing a pleased smile on his face.

"Are you happy that you came out with us?" I say crouching low to talk to him and he nods his head.

"Are you tired of walking?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"I can walk a very fine by myself so stop treating me like a baby".

He is smiling as he's saying this and I have to say he looks really cute.

Arden releases some laughter at this and i also have to leave what I planned to do because exactly how can a boy be this cute, exactly how can a baby be this cute.

Well he isn't a baby, he's five years old and that is what I've been trying to remind myself for the past hour now.

 He isn't a baby, he's five years old, he's five years old, he's five years old, but still, a five-year-old out this late in the night.

"How many more hours do we have until curfew?" I say looking at the both of them and Adrian checks his watch.

"Two hours at most"

Alright, two hours, we can still do something decidedly fun in the next two hours.

"How about we go get something to eat first?" Arden says noticing the intention that is behind the twinkling of my eyes.

"I'm starving".