
Arden's pov.

The clang of steel outside makes me cringe, it makes me cringe because that is exactly how steel has been clanging with each and every useless fight now, that is exactly how steel has been clanging against each other and that is exactly how people have died, people have died from simply fighting and I don't know..., somehow it makes me sad.

It makes me sad and hurt.

These people are not related to me in any way but still, most of them are actually mercenaries, most of them were actually employed to come fight here, and when they lose their lives in the process, I'm guessing that's it.

Most of them are actually untrained, most of them are untrained, and if they go on to fight even the most untrained person here, I'm pretty sure that they'll be signing a death sentence for themselves.

They'll all be signing death sentences for themselves and I'm currently looking at Adrian.

"When are we going to tell her?".

This is something that's been on my mind, it is something that's been on my mind for a good while now.

Even though I'm not the one who brought Aderyn here, even though I have practically no business with her, she's like a sister to me, she's like the sister that I never had and I doubt I would want to keep on lying to my sister.

"We'll tell her everything soon, we'll tell everything soon when it does not bring any danger to her".

I have to think about this. I have to think about this.

"Is not knowing what is happening here enough danger already?, Isn't that enough danger for her?, isn't that all the more reason why we are supposed to tell her, so she takes better care of herself"

"She's very clumsy, you know that".

I have to be taken aback by this, i have to be taken aback by this but I see that Adrian is simply smiling into the distance. He is looking into the distance and smiling and I know that he does not mean it in mockingly.

"It shows when she's very capable yes, but still, she is still a child, she's still a child like us, she's very clumsy at taking care of herself and I'm not sure that I would trust myself to even take care of her".

"Then why are we blindly putting her in danger?" I say looking at him and he gives me a pointed look.

"That is what I've been trying to explain to you all this while. Aderyn is not normal, she's not normal, she is not normal at all. she does not want to accept it, she doesn't even know about it, but still you can practically see it, you can practically see the intelligence behind her eyes. You also know what that means right?".

I sigh.

"I know what it means".

I've also had my suspicions, she can sense it, she will be able to send any bit of danger that is coming towards her, she'll be able to sense it fast enough to actually have avoid it but why are we simply going to test that occurrence.

"Did you expect me to actually plan someone to shoot her?" he says looking at me and I chuckle.

 I would think it was silly. Even I would think that plan was undeniably silly.

"We are going to watch, we are simply going to watch exactly how it plays out and the moment I see she's in trouble and she cannot handle it, I will step in".