
Adrian's pov.

"Are you sure she'll be okay?" Alice says looking at me and I nod.

I nod and I look at her.

Her movements were very graceful.

Her instincts came to her naturally and it's not something that i am suprised at but still, she performed expertly.

She performed beautifully and i have to say that I'm not feeling too elated at this.

Alice has some tears burning in her eyes, she's trying to hold them in, she's trying to hold them in because she's trying to be strong.

I don't cry.

I don't think crying solves anything.

I don't think crying has ever solved a thing and I am looking at her as I tell her as much.

"I doubt crying will actually solve anything at this point. What we have to do right now is to simply hope for the best"

"She isn't dead is she?" Alice says looking at me and I shake my head.

I shake my because she is not dead.

She has simply passed out from the amount of mental stress she had to go through.

I doubt using your presence to sense the danger around you is anything simple.

 Even that in itself should not even be possible, that should not even be possible but yet she did it. She did it because she's Aderyn.

She's strong.

She's determined.

She's committed and even Alice had to be shocked.

Even i had to be shocked because I don't know when she simply went into action.

When she began to act on her instincts she turned into a totally different person.

She turned into a totally different creature and I have to smile at myself because of this and so my plan worked a little bit.

I will have to give myself credit for that. I'll have to give myself credit for that as my plan worked well enough that she actually exercised her gifts a little bit but I doubt she would want to know what they are.

I doubt she would want to know what they are.

She would simply panic.

"Should we tell her the truth?" Alice says looking towards me and I shake my head.

I shake my head because it is not time yet. It is not time to tell her the truth yet.

"Let's simply observe how things go".

She rolls her eyes at me.

She rolls her eyes as she walks back into the kitchen, probably to go mope about something or to consume preparing whatever she's preparing and I somehow have to feel annoyed at this.

It is almost like they all think I do not care about her.

It's almost like they think I do not care about what Aderyn's feeling and i do care about it.

It hurts me too to continuously keep her in the darkness.

It hurts me to also continuously keep her in the darkness but that exactly is what I have to do.

That is what I have to do to ensure her safety and I will do anything to ensure her safety. I will do anything to ensure her safety and to not put her in danger.

This little deal that we have entered, this little deal that we entered with each other practically specifies that it will not allow me to put her in danger.

I will not allow myself to put her in danger.

She is special. She is someone very very special and precious and I actually have to smile just looking at her.

She really is very special.