
A snake in an apocalypse

I have always admired snakes and thought them stunning creatures so when I walked up to one to help it out from under a rock. The last thing I ever expected was for not just my Race to change but also the whole world as I new it.

Set63773628 · ファンタジー
7 Chs

The Rabbit Warren 2


That was my first thought upon waking up. There was just leaves and branches lying everywhere strewn across the ground. It was as if a hurricane had blown past.

I looked around in a panic wondering if I was in danger. There was nothing around. Then I finally realised something. I am on the ground. Why am I on the ground when I had slept safely in the tree.

'Holy Shit'

I don't normally swear but I felt that this deserved it for I had quadrupled in size during the night. This must have been what caused the branch to snap and why there branches and leaves lying around.

This is amazing my head is now as big as the rabbits whole body was. I might even be able to swallow then whole now. This will make fighting them so much easier now.

I may as well check my status and see how this has affected my stats.


[Name: Raven Miracle]

[Gender: Female]

[Race: Ouroboros]

[level: 4]

[Strength: 30 ]

[Constitution: 33 ]

[Regeneration: 30 ]

[Agility: 30 ]

[Mana: 5 ]

[Status Points: 20]

[Racial Skills]

[Gluttonous Growth]



Well that's a nice surprise. All my physical stats have gotten a pretty decent boost. I must have even managed to get two levels from the bunnies. I cant help but wonder though if this growth will stay constant like if I eat another five bunnies my stats will grow this massively again. It seems a bit broken if that is the case.

I add ten of my points to mana so that it doesnt fall behind and then i split the last ten evenly between Regeneration and Constitution.

With that done I head off to hopefully kill more rabbits, get stronger and maybe even find a way out of this stupid dungeon.

I slither around looking for rabbits like before except this time it is a bit harder to stay hidden. Or more like impossible as I am now taller than the grass.

It does come with the upside that i can see further now though so it doesnt take me long to find my next group of victims.

Unexpectedly as soon as I slither closer the rabbits actually charge towards me instead of running away like I had expected.

'Oh well it just makes it easier for me I guess. ' I think as I swallow one of the rabbits that had charged at me whole.

I regretted doing that very soon after though when I felt it hit the back of my throat and make a proper bruise. It died soon after to my stomach acid of course. But it still really hurt.

I swung my tail around behind me and punted one of the rabbits away while simultaneously chomping down onto another. This time I made sure to chew it well before swallowing though.

I looked back up from my meal to see that the rabbit I had thrown away was coming back seemingly having not learnt from the first time. I make a quick end of the rabbits idiocy by smashing it into a meat paste with my tail. I would never eat that rabbit of course. who knew if its stupidity was some magical disease or something that would transfer to me if I eat it.

With all the rabbits disposed of I slither off to look for something else interesting that will hopefully let me leave.

I had just finished climbing a hill that I had seen when I saw what I could only assume was the boss of the dungeon. Lying down at the bottom of the hill below me was a giant rabbit with a sharp horn sticking out of its head and blood red eyes.

This rabbit must have been at least three or four times the size of a normal rabbit. It was massive.

Making a snap decision I turned around and slithered away. I think I might go and eat a few more rabbits before I tangle with their big boss. Because right now I am nowhere near confident in dealing with a rabbit that size. Even if I have gotten a pretty decent size boost myself.