
A small step on Hajime no Ippo

A promising star in box, gets tangled in a fixed up match, he disagrees and the mafia kills him. He starts again in Hajime no Ippo, with a boxing system that helps him to reach his goal. Become a World Champion.

Dini_Jimenez · アニメ·コミックス
23 Chs

1 - Fixed match

In the blue corner we have the challenger, the most talented rookie, the sky above the sky, Sora Gonzalez, with an outstanding record of 7 bouts, 7 wins, 5 by means of K.O. in an equally monstrous record we have.

In the red corner the current holder of the 2nd spot for the National class, Bentham! The crusher, with a record of 22 fights, 19 wins, 3 of them by K.O.

10 rounds of inmense adrenaline ladies and gentleman, this night is going to the pages of history.


- How are you doing pal? - the coach grabbed me by the shoulders

So... how was I feeling?, this match is a joke, my coach Fucking wants me to throw the match, to kill my streak just because he needs the money. So how am I feeling? Like shit.

- Silent huh?... well you know the drill, make it believable - He tighten his hands on me and pushed me to the center of the ring.

* Seconds Out *

Bentham is a joke, his guard is not even fully up, how can people be his fan or even believe he's a good boxer.

A sudden Jab interrupted my thoughts, I dodged to the right, and parried the second one, I threw 3 fast jabs, and landed one of them, he tried to do a 1-2, but my reflexes made me sway both of them, also the hidden uppercut, we both jumped outside our range at the same time.

- You're good kid - with a smirk he said

I guess I have to play the long game.

-1st Round-

Bentham threw a lot of punches, in between 1-2's, jabs and uppercuts, he doesn't know how to do a decent hook, the challenger dodged everything with expertise.

-2nd round-

The crusher actually started to land some hits, to the gloves and a few jabs inside the guard, Sora also landed some liver blows and cut his sprint everytime.

-3rd Round - 

The challenger once again dominated the field, his hands exploded with precision and power.

-4th Round-

Crusher landed more punches, it was Hard for Sora to let them pass under his guard, and trying to make it believable.

-5th Round-

Sora put his guard up and didnt even try to land any punch, letting some going under the guard to make a hit.

-6th Round-

Another round with guard up, here he let it make one down at the Middle of the time.

-7th Round-

Crusher was well... crushed, his Arms were numb, and he was sweating a lot, meanwhile Sora had an uninsterested attitude, but it was harder to mask the match, and the people started to get a catch on the rigged bussines.

- Between 7th and 8th-

- Listen kid, you cant let it go to the 10 round, u have to let yourself get the lights out on this round, we can't risk this - The coach was whispering, but he could be shouting for all I heard... a vein was bulging in his forehead.

- I'll try to make it - i said with a sigh...

- You must idiot - he responded

-8th Round-

I went into the round with my guard down, and pretending to be wasted, crusher was hitting me with his combinations, but I didn't feel anything, he was out of gas.

- So kid you saw my greatness muahaha, you suck, you're nothing - he spat mid fighting

I was in shock... did he... he doesn't know?, he was believing to be a great boxer, oh damn... what an idiot.

I let myself to get plumered with an upper

While I was falling I heard the laugh of the crusher, I saw the million dollar smile of my coach and I remembered the words of my late father.

- If you're good at something, always give your best -

I catched my falling body and twisted my back to move into a fighting stance, I locked my eyes with him, and threw a jab, his Face went backwards, he had zero defence on his neck, a second jab, a third and a fourth, his eyes were shutting, finally two body hooks clovered him in his gut.

His fall was in show moción, his face was in pain, and also mine, I recovered my thinking mind.

- Damn I'm fucked -

- Let's get out of here kid, quick - The coach took my hand and basically we ran.

We were inside the changing rooms being yelled at

- What in the name of God were you thinking asshole!, we're screwed... so screwed, sorry kiddo but you're on your own. I'm outta here -

The coach was jumbling his words because of how fast was he talking.

- I am at fault? You were the one that organized this shit, I could have fight anyone, this one is a joke, how can people believe that effin dude is even a real boxer, I could have Knock him out in the first round -

- So I'm a joke? - a voice was heard

Sora whispered - Crusher -

- So... it is false that I'm good? Tell me -

- Sorry pal, but it's true, you don't have the talent, but you can make an effort, I'll say that you don't put your all -

- It.. it is my brother, he... is a little overprotective-

- No shit sherlock... well I'm glad u can tell that it was a true ma -BAM-... match?-

A gunshot pierced the chaging room, I felt cold, I saw my coach his body was in alert mode, he had a frightening look on his face. Almost funny if this situation wasn't like this.

- Ki... kiddo I'm sorry -

I tried to grab him but my knees failed, my body went to the floor, the coldness was once again in my body.

The coach kneeled to my side and sobbing he hold my body, that was when I felt water in my chest, it was sticky and hot, that feeling was better than the cold I was feeling.

Another gunshot was heard -BAM-

-No witnesses baby bro-

With that crusher and his broches went out the room. I was going to be another statistic in this city... damn... with all my strength I scribbled on the floor the names of my killer and his accomplice, I may die but screw him too...

And then everything went black.

- Gods realm-

Well this soul just saved a lot more with that final strength, what do we do with him? Anyone wants to take charge?

Wake him let him decide which God he wants to meet... I'm partially interested...

-end chap 1-

Well this is the start of my fanfic I hope you people enjoy it. I'll say right now, not Harem sorry for people that enjoy that, also it's going to have system but I dont want him to be so strong in the beggining so the training arcs are possibly to be longer.

Well thanks all for reading

Dini_Jimenezcreators' thoughts