
Tesseract and Captain Marvel

"Honey, I maybe late today, could you pick up Emily in the evening after your shift, please." I ask Lily at the entrance to the hospital while saying goodbye.

"Sure, should I make dinner for you or are eating out."

"Out" I reply

"Fine, bye-bye, peck" a quick peck on the lips and she turns around go help all the injured.



Parking my car in the garage, I open up a portal to Nevada.

Project PEGASUS.

It about time I devour something important.

The portal takes me to an underground bunker, full of energy measuring devices.

Waving my hand, I create a sound barrier around myself. "Hack into these devices, let them show the same values, don't let the values fluctuate." I order great sage.

Another wave of my arm and I bend the light around me to go around me.

Energy manipulation ability from the Celestial arm is something similar to the ability of Susan Storm from the Fantastic Four movies. It even lets me manipulate photons.

Now invisible, I make my way towards the thing each energy measuring device is measuring.

It constantly emits a faint blue light, sometimes pulsating a bit.

The Tesseract and the Space Stone hidden inside.

Transforming my arm to slime form, I reach out and pluck the Tesseract.


Sitting down in a lotus pose, I enter my mindscape and let great sage start analysing the Tesseract.

{The casing around space stone is pure energy. Its amazing how they solidified energy.}

"Well can you open it without breaking it, I wanna keep it the same way it was before." I ask the silver haired sage in front of me.

{It will take a bit longer than the Eye of Agamotto, that we could open with magic, this open has different mechanisms in place. About 4 hours to figure it out I think.} replies Great sage.

"That long, damn. Okay then, you get on with it and I'll keep a lookout. No one comes here anyway."

It took a bit longer than anticipated, but after 4 and a half hours, the space stone was visible. The glowing infinity stone pulsated and distorted the space around it.

Analysing and absorbing a part of its powers into my own core took up the next 8 hours.

The gruelling process was a bit easier this time than when I absorbed the time stone, maybe since the process was familiar this time.

{Done. Ability <spatial manipulation medium} acquired, Skill <spatial manipulation (medium)> merged with <Teleportation>, Skill <Spatial Manipulation (Large)> acquired. This skill allows you to go beyond the previous restrictions of sight and previously visited locations. As long as you know where a place is, you can open a portal.} came great sage's reply.

As soon as she said that the massive multicoloured energy core floating in my mindscape shook and started spitting out a blue orb the size of a large watermelon.

Similar to the energy of the time stone revolving around my energy core, the blue orb representing the energy of the space stone started its revolutions.

The scene looked beautiful.

Exiting my mindscape, I stand up and check the time.

3 hours passed.

Using the replica time stone's ability, I slowed time around me, allowing me to analyse and replicate the space stone.

Pulling off my shirt, I see another addition on my collar bones, a blue gem mirroring the green gem.

Retracting them back into my body, I put my shirt back on and open up a portal to the main servers of the facility.



I Look around for a few minutes for offline data from about ten to fifteen years ago and transform my finger into a USB drive.

"Great Sage, look around for any information you can get on Carol Danvers or Vers and her abilities. Check if there are any belongings of her stored somewhere. Find out her address, any place she frequented or might have her DNA."

I list out orders back to back to great sage while I move towards a storage room that contains heaps of boxes with hard copies of documents.

Spending the next two hours going through every piece of document, I finally was able to track down where I could find some samples of her DNA.

Apparently, after she was assumed dead after the crash, a funeral took place, where some of her personal belongings and some pieces of her equipment recovered from the crash site were buried.

After opening a portal and moving out of the PEGASUS base, I get my bearings and fly off towards the burial site.

Flying for a few miles, I arrive at a military burial site. Rows and rows of gravestones placed on the vast field gives it a solemn appearance.

Locating a grave by her name, I extend a thin tube-like slime tentacle into the ground and look through the contents of the grave.

Absorbing the contents and looking for any organic matter, I finally find a few pieces of cloth from her air force uniform stained with blood.

{Analysing blood sample. Blood belongs to a Caucasian female. The features match up with the descriptions of her appearance before the crash.}

"Alright, absorb it and transform my body with the gene code that can absorb and utilise the tesseract energy better." I order impatiently.

As soon as the process was over, I feel a warm current surging through every cell in my body, filling them up with 50% energy from my core.

Activating the powers, I feel a layer of blue cosmic energy surrounding me, and looking into a mirror from my subspace, I can see my hair standing up, glowing white and my eyes emitting bluish white light.

"Cool." I exclaim as I test out the newfound powers. Photon blasts in the air, flying circles in the air, and then dashing towards New York full speed ahead.

*Chibi Great Sage Time*

"Hello, my name is Great Sage. I'm here to explain a bit about why Lucifer came here to absorb Carol Danvers's DNA. Previously, he had the energy manipulation ability, but that was considerably weak. He could at most channel energy around his body to support his weight in the sky or make him invisible, unlike Captain Marvel, who could channel the power of the Tesseract through her, making it a very useful weapon and ability. By analysing her DNA and why she was able to merge with the energy, Lucifer was able to enhance his energy manipulation ability to greater heights. Now, he not only has captain marvel's powers, he also has full access to the celestial energy stored inside him, allowing it to further strengthen his body and manipulating it outside it. Previously, his strength only came from most of the strengthening skills obtained from various animals and a weak skill <Celestial Might 5%> from the celestial."

*End of Chibi Great Sage Lecture*

Hey guys, sorry for the late chapter, forgot i had Uni today and didnt have a chapter made earlier.

Its a bit confusing about why he would need captain marvels dna, but i think the chibi explaination explains it well.

Thanks for reading

DaoistLeoncreators' thoughts