
A Slime in MCU

What happens when a marvel and tensura fan dies and accumulates karma. He reincarnates, of course. Our MC died in a random stabbing incident, along with the stabber. He ends up meeting the Death God, who grants him 2 wishes and a choice to reincarnate in a reality of his choosing. Read now to follow the adventures of our MC, travelling in the MCU as a slime from Tensura. Disclaimer: I do not own any Marvel Characters or "That Time I Got Reincarnated As A Slime" characters. This is a pure work of fiction. I apologise in advance if I hurt any viewers' morals or views. I started this work as a procrastination project. Had this idea in my head for a while, before i saw a similar story to this one on this site. I have taken some inspiration from that novel, but most of the content is OC. There is no harem or cheesy romance in the book yet, but i might change that in the future, i don't know. I am a decent fan of the MCU, havent read the comics and my understanding of the MCU is shallow. The plot may defer from the original, but i'll try to keep it as close to the original. First time writer, English is NOT my first language. Constructive Criticism encouraged. Cover Image not Mine. Credit goes to creator of the Image (I believe it is Toei Animations) Thats how i believe the character is going to look in his human form.

DaoistLeon · 都市
46 Chs


Booom Crack...

Sticking the superhero landing, I look up, only to find a pair of handguns, a loaded arrow, a shield, a hammer and a mechanical suit pointing it's blasters at my face.

"Chill, guys, I'm on your side. Tony, Nat, Clint, you guys know me right. Lower your weapons." I say, trying to calm the startled group.

I mean, I should have expected this reaction, I did just land right in the centre of their iconic formation, while the landing created quite a bit of rumble to fly around.

"Lucifer? Is that you? Why are you glowing, and how can you fly?" asked Tony, opening up his helmet.

"Yeah, well, I was getting bored sitting around after locating the tesseract and Loki, and then I saw the Chitauri coming, and well, played a little game.

Saw you guys fighting these guys on the ground so I thought that maybe I should lend a hand. You guys don't seem to fair well against the big centipede things.

Need some help with those." I answer casually, not that I was excited to fight alongside the Avengers or anything. Humph.

"Stark, do you know this man? He does not feel human. I do however feel an aura of a warrior from this creature.

Very well, I will allow you to help us fight against the Chitauri, fellow warrior." Seeing Tony and Nat familiar with me, Thor speaks up and 'permits' me to fight in his usual arrogant and pompous tone.

Honestly, I don't like the Thor from this era, especially this attitude.

"You must be Thor, the Asgardian. Pleasure to meet you. My name is Lucifer." I introduce myself as I go in for a handshake.

"Thor, Son of Odin. Very impressive display of swordplay in the air. " says Thor in his deep voice, while shaking my outstretched hand.

"Thank You. Ah. It looks like we have more company." I say, as I hear the sound of a broken-down moped coming close as well as the roar of numerous centipede monsters from the portal high above.

It seems, me attracting most of the Chitauri members into the sky and the rest focusing on the single centipede allowed them to take it down without banner, huh.

"Ok guys, me, tony, thor and banner will focus on the centipedes, Nat, Rogers and Barton, focus on the stray Chitauris roaming around. I'll send in some back up in a few seconds. Alright?" I say, turning towards the rest, bringing back their attention from the sky down to the ground.

""""Alright"""" comes multiple replies, as Banner looks towards the incoming centipede, and starts changing and roaring.


The punch by the hulk caused the centipede to overturn like a row of train carriages while tony blasts the exposed flesh on the monster.

"Guys, step on, ill give you a lift." I say towards the stray control group, producing three energy barriers on the ground for each.

"Up we go" along with the whooshing of Thor's hammer to pull himself to the sky, I lift off, dropping off Clint, Nat, and Cap at various clusters of Chitauri.

Flying high up and facing an incoming centipede, I talk to Great Sage.

"Hey, deploy Project BEHEMOTH"



On a vast open space near the Sage industry's factories in New York, the ground opens up, revealing huge creatures along with a few dozen of 1.5 meter tall humanoid creatures flying through the opening on the ground, and towards the New York battlefield.


Facing off against the centipede felt weird. At first, I thought it would be kinda hard, considering Thanos used these guys to conquer planets and all, but one slice from my energy blast, they would split down the middle and fall down to the ground.

"Damn. The curse of an OP character has struck me." I shout internally, while still going for the next centipede nearby.

On the other side of the battlefield.

Captain America was currently facing off against 10-15 Chitauri soldiers ejected from the centipedes. At first, he could handle it, but an energy grenade blasting him off, disoriented him, causing him to be caught in a chokehold from behind, while a few Chitauri take aim at the struggling captain.

Boom Boom Boom

Multiple blasters aimed at the immobilised captain shoot beams of energy, bringing back images from the previous war he fought.

Images of soldiers and innocent civilians blasting into the air, their screams reverberating in the captain's ears, the lives lost to the weapons of the horrific creations of Hydra flow through Captain America's mind, still struggling to escape the clutches of the Chitauri.

Suddenly, with a loud bang, a huge dark figure drops between the incoming beams of the energy and the captain, successfully blocking the attack, before the figure waves his hand in front of him, cutting down the Chitauri surrounding them.

Turning around, the figure faces the captain and raises his hand, aims a finger at towards his head.


At the order, Captain ducks down before feeling a blast of heat and an explosion push him down into the ground.

The now free captain looks at the figure that saved him.

A tall, well built man around 1.4 meters tall, dark hair with a blue eyes wearing a black jacket and jeans.

Captain would have thought that the man in front of it was a human if not for the mechanical hand reverting back to that of a human.

'A Machine??' thought captain before thanking the man for the timely save.

"No problem, Boss sent us to help you guys. This place is almost cleared of Chitauri. Think you can talk down a few more, there seem to be a few down the street." Spoke the man.

"I can do this all day" replied captain before picking up his Shield and running towards the next location.

"Wait, you're just going to run up to the bad guys, that'll take too long. Here hold on." Came the voice of the man from behind the captain before the guy flew and picked up him up to go to the next location.

It took a few seconds before they reached the new location, while the captain asked a question that was bugging him.

"Can I ask what you are and who your boss is, if you don't mind?"

"Not at all. I'm what you would call an android, a machine with a human appearance, and I believe you already met my boss, Lucifer." Replied the android politely.

Dumbfounded, Captain's jaw hung while wondering, 'the world's gone to shit, there's now machines that look like humans, what's next? Machines that look and fight like animals.'

A moment after the android and captain landed on the ground, a Leviathan flew over them, ejecting numerous Chitauri soldiers from its side.

Just as it passed over their heads, a huge explosion came from above. Looking up, the already dumbfounded captain felt his eye twitch.

A huge kraken like monstrosity was soaring through the air, wrapping its huge tentacles around the Leviathan, crushing it like a soda can, killing it.

"Don't worry, the Krakens are on our side, they'll take care of the centipede monsters." The android quipped from behind, seeing the expression on the captain's face.

"Is that another one of those aliens or robots?"

"Close, they are similar to my design, expect for a humanoid figure, the Kraken models are based on deep sea creatures. Quite deadly those things are." Replied the android.

"Lucifer made those things. I thought Stark was a freak, never knew another freak appeared on earth.

What has the world come to!!!"


I'm Back.

Pulled an all nighter trying to finish an assignment. Can you guys imagine, becoause of this COVID shit, all my assignments are online, including group assignments.

Guess what i find out two days before the assignment was due.

We hadnt started the assignment, one person dropped out of the course and didnt tell us, the other person couldnt even be bothered to check in on the group chat on MS teams, and that left me with me alone to do a three person assignment.

I tried contacting the person for a whole 2 days, and then just gave up trying, so had to make a 30 min video all on my own, when i do not even have an ounce of expereince in video making.

That bitch just ghosted me in the assignment. I had to give up on my precious good night's sleep for two days to complete the assignement.

So, anyways, here is my sleep deprived rant for today, if there are any mistakes in the chap, i might resolve them later.

anyways, enjoy.

PS. I kinda just finished with all my assignments and mid semester exams, but my final exams start in about a week, so the updates might continue to be irregular. Forgive me.