
A Spy

Rafael, the new lord who took the place of his father when his family was mercilessly killed, laid on his back staring at the practice of his soldiers.. Beast, would be the right word to describe them.

They could run faster than any living thing, tore humans as if they weighed nothing and one attack was enough to get rid of witches no matter how many spells they could whisper. Yet when the darkness followed, the night came to torment him. Remind him that his father felt the same.. And died.. With his mother and his sister.. Vampires were not easy to kill. They heal their wounds at tremendous speed.

It only means they have a spell that makes vampires weak. They knew a way to kill them. Had used it on his family and now.. The danger looms over them. It was either kill or get killed. 

The view of soldiers was cut by Damien.. A young boy like brother and enemy at the same time. He was the son of his father's friend, knight and family all at once. He died saving their family.

The guilt never left Rafael whenever he met his or his sisters eyes. His mother was another thing but at least, she did not invoke guilt in him.

"The witches on our side had examined her. She was not a witch. But that does not mean she is not a danger. Why have you brought her and why tied her in your room? Diana was upset and so was her mother." he murmured, a hint of irritation filled his own voice but Rafael looked away.

"And they have never heard about a witch with black eyes?" he whispered again when Damien thought he would not speak again. The man shrugged.

"The witches have been living here for a long time. Even if Bella was one of them, she would have taken birth after they had left the coven. They were here when.." Scarlet was injured and so was Rafael, they saved them. Earned their trust and not even once had they asked to not kill other witches when Rafael and Scarlet started to hunt witches. 

"But that did not answer my question?" Damien pressed, Rafael was not a cold blooded vampire as others depicted him. He was the kindest they have ever seen.

The blood sucking monster would try to save even the insect if he could. If not for necessity, he did not enjoy taking blood too.

Why had he brought her? He had asked the same question to himself when he followed her. He had already freed her after confirming that she was not a witch, yet he found himself following her more than needed and saving her at every occasion. He shook his head annoyed.

"She might be useful. If she is a spy, we could use her to get their address. They poison and then kill them all at once. There is no way that she would not contact them." understanding flashed in Damien's eyes and so as respect, admiration. He should be proud after getting that look from this talented vampire, but he did not. 

He felt a hollow in his chest. He was not planning to use her. But why not? He did not get the answer again.

"Well, I hope that she is a witch then. Though she is cute and spicy, I am tired of searching for witches like a dog. I want to get rid of all of them at once so that I can live a peaceful life." the vampire shrugged and Rafael felt again, the feeling of guilt that he had taken their peace, their happiness from them.

He shifted at his place, closing his eyes and opening cold ones. 

"For now, keep an eye on her but from a distance. She should never know that she doubted. We should show her that we did not pay attention. For us, she is harmless." Damien chuckled at that, nodded feeling the thrill of the chase, Rafael only felt empty and looked away. 

"And more than that, I want her isolated. As much as I want her to contact her coven, I do not want her getting any information about us. They could not be trusted at all." Damien nodded with all seriousness as he discussed a bit more before leaving. 

"Are you going to stay here tonight?" there was an edge in Damien's voice. "I heard that you did not have blood for three days. With the number of men you have killed and worked hard.." he did not complete but any vampire could tell, Rafael was on his edge.

If he did not feed soon, he was going to hurt his body. Blood is food for them and they require it. There was a time when blood came with force but now, they pay humans a good amount.

They buy slaves like any other human family buys from the slave establishment but they treat them better. Give them warm food, a room and free life except they have to share their blood, and sometimes bed too. But the latter depend on their willingness.

Rafael and Scarlet had made sure that no men or women were forced to have sex with vampires. 

"If you want, i can arrange another person though i can not guarantee that it would be a girl." he teased, sure that if he announced their lord needed blood, every woman in the palace would volunteer for it.

Damn, they would fight over it. Each of them vying for a chance with their dangerous but seductive master. Rafael stood up, finally looking at Dami with a shake of his head.

"I did not need that. I brought a slave today. Have I not? I have all the right to suck her blood and have more if needed…" 

"Have more?" that made Damien's eyes widened. "Diana will kill her if she comes to know about it.

"Then it is time you learn to keep secrets from your sister."