
A Shadow's Reincarnation

On a certain train sat a certain boy, with average looks. He had his eyes closed as he dozed off while hugging his bag. Earphones were plugged into his ears, silently listening to the music. Just then, the heavy bass music he was listening to suddenly became heavenly zither music that contained the truths of the Heavenly Dao. The boy’s heartbeat followed the loose rhythm of the heavenly tune for a straight minute before having been jolted awake. When the boy's eyelids fluttered open, it was as if the people on the train heard angels weeping and devils laughing. The Heavens shook in fear whereas the Underworld rumbled with joy. As for this boy’s origin, not even the gods & devils dare find out. _____________________________________ Disclaimers: - Ai pic till I can afford to commission an artist. - This is the 2nd continuation of my Magic Martial World series. - It's paused until I finish my diploma this June 2024. _____________________________________ Discord: https://discord.gg/R7nmUAqm

Simp_Chaos · 東方
81 Chs

Awaken [Needs Rewriting]

Present day in Saitama, Japan

Tokorozawa City

15 years have passed since the transfer.

Humans were seen bustling about on the roads to work, to school, and some who were on dates. Trains were the main transport used here, cycling second. And only cars on the road were taxis and police cars.

On a certain train on a certain railway sat a certain boy, about average in looks, dozing off to bass boosted trap music.

This particular boy was not only known for sleeping, but was also famous for being the train's guardian.

When he sleeps, a certain aura was emitted from him, spreading to all other cars of the train. Any person who sensed this aura with ill intentions would be overwhelmed with fear. It was as if a gun was pointed at their heads, making a move would seem as though it would cause them their lives.

Normal people with good intentions however will experience a warm feeling that comforts their mind and soul, improving their mood as well.

This particular boy was also famous among the martial artists of the city, and of other cities as well.

The aura he emits contains a profound intent only sensible by people who study the art of martial arts.

Ever since he slept on that particular train, countless martial artists have used the train as well, even though the train may not go to the directions they want.

These martial artists would accompany the boy to his own destination everyday whilst studying the profound intent found within the boy's aura.

After a while, they would call him [Master Spirit Sleeper], [The Sleeping Grandmaster] etc.

One day, one of the boy's schoolmates saw him sleeping in a circle of several martial artists. He called out the boy's nickname casually, waving his arm in the air, hoping the boy would wake up and see him.

But as he predicted, the boy was in deep slumber. The train was about to leave so the schoolmate hopped onto the boy's car to give the boy a surprise.

Unfortunately, as he tried to get close to the boy, the several or so martial artists would block his way, making him unable to stand even a meter from the boy.

So, he did the next most rational thing to do after seeing the boy be protected by the masters of martial arts there. He called out the boy's real name.

"Hey Blake! Blake! Wake up!" the schoolmate continued to shout his name, over and over again.

And yes, the boy's name is Blake. Blake Chaos.

As the schoolmate continued bickering, Blake slowly opened his eyes. But this time he didn't wake up to his usual drunken self.

No no no...This time, Blake's aura immediately solidified and sharpened as he scanned his surroundings. The sudden change in his aura startled everyone else in a 300 meter radius, giving them chills down to their very core.

All the masters close to Blake felt like death had appeared next to them. Their senses were giving them danger signals which told them the entity was not to be provoked, else...that's the end of their lives.

"Grandmaster, it...it seems...you're...awake," one of the masters pitched. They, who were Japan's greatest martial arts masters, were scared senseless.

They could feel the overwhelming pressure coming from the boy, as if a mountain was weighing on them.

Blake looked at them, half confused and half annoyed. He was confused because his past memories of him being a pinnacle in his past life was slowly flooding back to him.

He was angered because he was peacefully sunbathing in Elysium before he got transported into the boy's body. And yes, there was sunlight shining down on Elysium despite it being located in the Underworld.

As he slowly regained his old memories, he moved the energy within him to every inch of his new and unrefined mortal body.

'Well this sucks...This world barely has any spiritual energy left...' He thought to himself.

The train was closing in on Blake's wanted station.

Before that, Blake stood up and gave his annoying schoolmate a soft palm strike to the chest, pushing him backwards and shattering his rib cage.

The schoolmate spat out a mouthful of blood before collapsing onto the train deck. Blake was merciful enough to not kill him so quickly, but only knocking him out with all his ribs broken.

"This is what you get for disturbing my slumber..."Blake coldly snorted at him then proceeded to get off at his destination.

All the masters present were dumbfounded at the scene, none of them could comprehend what just happened.

How did the Sleeping Grandmaster they all respected suddenly change personalities to a Cold Dragon, shattering a friend's rib cage without batting an eye.

Tokorozawa Kita High School

Everyone was shocked at the new Blake. The old Blake would usually just go back to sleep after plopping down his bag at his desk.

It was practically impossible to wake him up, and the aura he emits while asleep signals others to leave him alone.

The new Blake however, once entered the classroom, gave others a totally new vibe, a vicious and killer intent flashed through his eyes.

The aura he emits was so terrifying that some of the baddest kids in class started peeing themselves.

As Blake got to his table, he looked down and saw a big 'Loser' drawn in red. His chair seemed to have super glue sprayed everywhere. How long was he bullied? He wondered.

He plopped down his bag, but before he sat down, he punched the glue covered chair, shattering it in one fellow swoop.

This move startled everyone even more, like 'How did that sleepy head become so strong?' or 'Holy Hell! Just who would have provoked such a beast?' and so on.

Blake sat down after exerting 3 pulses of killing aura, signaling the whole class that he can end them easily.

The whole class was not only dumbfounded, they were terrified to the point that none of them could stand still.

The girls were all sobbing, tears streamed down as the fear of death took over them.

Blake already knew who bullied him, thanks to his old self. All this time, he wasn't sleeping, instead, he was gathering qi from his surroundings.

It took him 15 years of absorbing the surrounding qi just to regain his old memories, he thus wondered how long it would take before he could reach his pinnacle again.

And when can he return to his home world, because that would take an absurd amount of Martial Qi and Magical Energy to even open a passageway far into the Void.

There was no point thinking about it now, because he had only reached Soldier realm, rank 0. He needed to at least reach the Magic Emperor to truly enjoy the world right now.

Rewriting time!

Simp_Chaoscreators' thoughts