
A secreat

This is the story of a girl and a single father, of romance between them, but there is a little twist in this story that there are some secrets of both the boy and the girl, which the world has not known till date, what is that secret, it was for you. The secret you will have to be read

Deevanshi_Aggarwal · 都市
14 Chs


( Haseena is feeling very stressed, roaming here and there due to tension, then Santosh comes. )

Ss:- mam what happened you look upset 

Hm:- Where did you go? ( shouted ) 

( Santosh gets scared seeing Haseena screaming Haseena looks at Santosh and controls her anger )

Hm:- I am sorry I shouldn't have been so angry at you Actually you went somewhere without informing me, so I got a little tense. 

SS:- its ok mam ( politely)

Hm:- good, By the way, where did you go? ?( politely ) 

Ss:- mam, on Aditya Ji's advice, I took that body to the forensic lab. 

Hm:- So did you find out anything? 

Ss:- Ma'am, the owner has said that the report will come in a day or two, only then we can say anything.

Hm:- ok let's get on duty now 

Ss:- ok mam 

(Santosh left ) 

Hm:- Haseena, you will have to keep that report away from the public eye and you will also have to divert Aditya from this investigation, but how? ( whisper to herself) 

scene cut 

At night 

( Aditya comes standing near the window and then isha goes to Aditya.)

I:- what happened?

A:- What was to happen, Didi, do you know that when I went to look for a place for my business, I found a small place or I went to some place with less money, they are charging Rs 25,000 for rent, you tell me yourself, I have to think about Rishi's school also. 

I:- Let me tell you one thing, talk to Haseena once and see, I am sure she will definitely do something, after all, she is your friend. 

A:- Sister it actually doesn't feel good like this 

I:- fine! 

( she left ) 

In isha room 

( Isha is sitting on the bed, the night lamp is on and Simran is sleeping beside her )

I:- I know Aditya, you are not going to do anything, I will have to do something. (whisper to herself) 

scene cut 

Next morning in the police station 

Hm:- santosh sharma 

ss:- yes mam 

Hm:- You must have the number of forensic people, right? 

Ss:- yes mam 

Hm:- so give it to me 

Ss:- ok mam By the way ma'am can I ask you something?

Hm:- yes sure 

Ss:- mam why do you need the number of forensic people generally asking 

Hm:- Actually, I am a senior in this police station, so I have to report further to the SP sir, that's why. 

Ss:- OK mam, mam I will share the number with you on WhatsApp.

Hm:- yes please 

( Santosh shared the forensic lab number )

Hm:- now you can leave 

SS:- ok mam 

( Santosh left ) 

Ss:- Haseena mam's mood seems to be changing for the past few days. ( thinking in mind )

Scene cut 

At haseena cabin 

(Haseena call someone )

on call 

Hm:- Hello, speaking from the forensic lab?

Fm:- yes 

Hm:- my name is Haseena Malik Sho of Mumbai police thane 

Fb:- yes Haseena Malik 

Hm:- Yesterday my team member Santosh Sharma came with a dead body for forensic examination. 

FB:- yes mam But it will take two to three days for the report to arrive. 

Hm:- its ok But as soon as the report comes, inform me first. 

Fb:- sure mam 

( As soon as Haseena disconnects the phone, she sees Karishma standing in front of her. )