
A secreat

This is the story of a girl and a single father, of romance between them, but there is a little twist in this story that there are some secrets of both the boy and the girl, which the world has not known till date, what is that secret, it was for you. The secret you will have to be read

Deevanshi_Aggarwal · 都市
14 Chs


A:- yes i have something to tell you

Hm:- say yes

A:- I have made Jalebi, you know it is a famous sweet dish in Delhi. 

Hm:- Sorry but I don't say sweet, you know it is essential to stay fit in a police job. 

A:- ok

( Aditya starts leaving from there sad when Hasina stops and goes to him. Aditya is looking at Haseena with surprise Hasina tastes jalebi from Aditya's bowl. )

HM:- YUM! So tasty are you a chef 

A:- no But what was your refusal right now?

HM:- This much is enough for a friend isn't it?

A:- yes 

HM:- come sit 

A:- you liked it so much 

HM:- You are talking about likes, this has become my favorite. 

A:- ok then I will send a box 

hm:- Not one  box, at least you will have to send two boxes, these are very tasty.

A:- sure ( smile ) 

( Aditya had a smile on his face but something was going on in his mind. )

HM:- What happened, is there anything else that you want to tell but are unable to? 

A:- ji haseena ji 

HM:- Look Aditya ji, now we both have become friends, so you can talk openly to your friend. 

A:- ji Hasina ji, I want to get justice for Baldev jiju,

( As soon as Haseena hears this from Aditya's mouth, she gets very angry and in anger, she crushes Jalebi with her fist. )

A:- you don't know what he was to me Haseena ji, don't misunderstand me but I know you people have some rules but it is the responsibility of being a citizen and this is my own brother-in-law. Hasina ji, you don't know what my brother-in-law did for me and my sister. 

HM:- Aditya ji, don't think about all this, we and our team are working on this case, now you just think about yourself and Rishi Actually Isha Tai told me everything

A:- Sorry Hasina Ji, I have taken this decision after careful consideration and considering you as a friend, I have kept my word to you, and now I will not step back, I will also get justice for Baldev Jiju and will also settle my and Rishi's life by staying in Mumbai.

( Aditya suddenly looks at the clock and sees that it is 11:00.)

A:- Okay, I am leaving. Actually, I have seen a place on rent, its owner called me at 11:30. 

hm:- ok

A:- bye 

hm:- bye 

( Aditya left )

( Hasina gets very angry and starts throwing all the things here and there in anger.  ) 

HM:- Why, why, why do I want to keep you away from this investigation but why are you not agreeing? Don't force me Aditya to do with you what I had to do with Baldev Sir. ( anger ) 

At Simran's neneighbor'souse

( A girl is sitting in her room and writing something in her diary. )

The words written diary:- another murder today....

(That girl sticks Baldev's photo in her diary. )