
A Second Power Freak

Jūryoku Yūkei ( Aka Angel ) lives in a world full of monsters, human slaves, and mighty humans with super powers called The Almighty. Every Kingdom has its own monarchy and royals that make being a human slave a nightmare Angel was told she was born without powers but when the guards were ordered to exterminate her entire village her powers emerged. She has two different types of powers, one that allows her to manipulate gravity and one called intangibility. She kills the guard using those powers and now the Almighty wants her dead, and is forced to leave her village, into an entirely new world full of terrifying monsters, breathtaking views, and a divide based on blood.

Rengoku23 · アニメ·コミックス
17 Chs

A Rather Unusual Day

I prowled through the streets of my small run down village, making sure to stay clear of all the guards. I have been here all my life and know it like the back of my hand. I never let myself get close to anyone. All the people who I was close to either died of sickness or starvation. People here were always dying, but the almighty never even bat their eyelashes. The almighty were half immortal humans with special powers. There were only three types of beings in our world: Humans, Humans with powers and monsters. Humans were forced to slave away under the almighty's rule. I was a lowly human force to live in a village with diseases, hunger, and lots of filth. Despite all this I still manage to keep my face clean and unblemished.

I was terrible at lots of things but being a pickpocket, lock picker, gun shooter, and street fighter were my strong points. I learned it all from my brothers and father. My mother tried her best when she was still alive to change me into a proper lady but I wouldn't allow it. My father had told me that my mother died of a disease but there was no proof of her body. She had an empty casket funeral and for some reason my father didn't look like he was fully breaking. I was still so little when she died but I knew that she loved me just a little more than my brothers and sisters. After her funeral I often found myself so angry. I fought anyone and everyone who got in my way or so much as looked at me wrong. Though every time I fought, I lost. So when I continually came home bleeding and battered, my brothers made it their responsibility to teach me how to fight and win.

Two winters ago my older sister died from the cold and my father nearly died. I had done the craziest thing ever that winter. I taught myself how to pick all types of locks with only a small flat head screwdriver and a paper clip. I wound up breaking into a wealthy almighty's house and stealing a few blankets, food rations, tools to continue working on my cycle, coats, and other essentials to get my family through the future winter months. I learned how to pick pocket so I could sell what I stole to be able to give my family money so they can buy themselves something nice.

Learning how to shoot wasn't my doing but my dads. I learned slower than my brothers but after three years of identifying and learning to shoot I finally had it.

I sat in the makeshift garage working to finish my motorcycle. I had found the beat up cycle in an almighty dumpster and after looking it over I knew I had a good chance of getting it up and running. The motorcycle was a Tork T6X and the features were fantastic. The test mule features a triangular LED headlight and a street fighter styling with large fairing extensions running all the way to the bottom. It had a split seat setup and upright ergonomics with rear-set foot pegs. The switch gear is chunky, and the bike gets a TFT instrument cluster. The app-connected console features navigation, geo-fencing and anti-theft.

The battery compartment in the test mule is partly exposed while the trellis frame is neatly covered by the bodywork. The Tork claims its frame, the motor offers 27Nm, and is capable of allowing the bike to cruise at 100k mph. According to the manual which was also thrown away, the claimed range stands at 100 km, and the battery can be charged to 80 percent in an hour. It has a telescopic fork up front, disc brakes at both ends with regenerative braking and alloys. The swing arm is a tubular unit linked to a mono-shock. The bike is perfectly fit for off-road navigation. I added a few extra accessories to it including custom color changing led lights that I could change with a remote, bags to carry the portable electric bike battery charger, my weapons, ammunition and other things I have. And In case I lost the portable battery charger I connected solar panels to the motor.

It took me five years to get the parts and clean it up. I had gotten the clutch and the gear shift last night with the money I had left over from my apprenticeship with a professional seamstress.During my long apprenticeship I had learned how to make all sorts of outfits. I learned to make leather jackets, jean shorts, tank tops, and boots. The lady who taught me took one look at the bike and said If I got it running she would die of a heart attack but she never got the chance to see it finished. She was executed for stealing a bundle of white thread and some needles.

Here if you stole, lied, cheated, or anything else that was bad you either died or you rotted in jail with no food or water. The Royal family of Efrysea either didn't know of the treatment we human slaves were given or they just didn't care.

I sat up and plopped my screwdriver on the hard concrete slab that served as our garage. I completely finished my cycle and I was giving it a good test drive to the market. I put the tools in the tool box and went to my bedroom and looked for the cool helmet I had bought at the market and put on some clean clothes.

I searched for my black ripped jean shorts and skull T-shirt and my black leather high heeled ankle boots. I grabbed my leather studded biker jacket and headed to the bike. I already had my pack with my emergency supplies in case of emergency. I climbed on and thankfully the sun had already charged the bike. I knew it was safe to ride the bike to the market because the guards already knew that I had taken it from the dumpster. They laughed as I rolled it to my house and they said I couldn't get the piece of junk working. Well I wanted to see their faces when I rolled in like a champion on my new toy.

I got the thing started easily then grabbed the pack beside the motorcycle and slung it over my shoulder. I sped down the slightly muddy road heading towards the heavily guarded market. I got there and to my satisfaction the same guards who made fun of me about the cycle were posted at the entrance.

" Hi!, look at the beauty, it runs faster than anything I ever rode! " I said smirking smugly.

They sneered and I sneered back.

" Anyone could do it, even me. " he huffed.

" Yeah, keep telling yourself that, don't try to steal it I already got anti-theft equipment installed." I said not looking back to see if I pissed them off.

" Angel! What's up! Looking great as usual. " Carter said.

Carter was a guard but he was the only one who saw me as worthy of talking to. He was handsome too. Lots more handsome than the others.

" Back at you! " I yelled over my shoulder giving him my special wink. His lazy smile had me giggling.

I saw the store I was looking for and walked in. The automatic door slid open with a squeal as I strode through. I never liked my brown hair and finally got sick of looking at it so when I found the white hair dye that actually looked natural I snatched it up and put it in my bag. I never got caught when I smuggled stuff and I was good at keeping some money on me to make it look like I did buy something. It was second nature. I filled my small basket with food, first aid, a heavy duty flashlight, and a pack of batteries. I walked up to the familiar smiling lady I loved hearing the gossip from.

" Hey, what's the gossip for today, Shiki? " I asked counting my change and giving it to her.

" You know that's just it I've got nothing to tell. " She said confused.

" That's odd " I murmured.

She always had something to tell me. I shrugged it off and got my stuff and put them into my backpack making sure my hair dye didn't peak out.

" Tell your family I said hi, okay? " She said in a sweet voice handing me a lolipop. I unwrapped it and popped it in my mouth. I waved at her before leaving. I was heading back when the sound of gun fire reached my ears.

I ran to see what happened and right at the gates a masked figure lay bleeding right beside my bike. I ran to the entrance and stared at the dead body.

" He was trying to steal your bike. Stealing is against the law. " One of the soldiers said behind me.

I looked at the splatter of blood horrified.

" So you had to get his blood on my bike! You shouldn't have even killed him. Why do you think I had anti-theft equipment installed you idiot. He would have set off the alarm and you could have apprehended him instead! " I said kicking the body away from my bike.

" Damn Idiot " I murmured as I sped down the road.

No soldier ever killed anyone without consent from a higher up.

When I got home and took off my helmet my brothers stood at the garage.

" You actually got the damn thing running. I'm impressed. " Tsuyoi said giving me a high five as I rolled the bike in the garage and grabbed my soap and a bucket.

Tsuyoi was my eldest brother. His eyes were as brown as his hair. His body was nothing but muscle and he stood about 6'2.

" You underestimated me. Again! " I said filling the bucket with water and dropping the soap in.

" Is that blood? " Sunaipā asked shocked.

Sunaipa was only a year older than me and he was all muscle. But instead of brown hair his was jet black. His eyes were bright evergreen and he stood 6'0. I didn't answer as I took a rag and dipped it in. I started to scrub the bloodied spot it was very hard to come off but thankfully it didn't scratch the paint.

" I always knew she was a blood thirsty street fighter. " A voice behind me said.

I sighed and put everything back to its designated spot.

" I wasn't street fighting, besides everyone who used to stand up to me is too afraid to pick a fight with me. Anyways, Someone tried to steal my bike and a soldier shot him dead. " I sighed giving Ryoshi, a pointed glare.

Ryoshi was my favorite brother because he was the only one who always encouraged me to be better than average. He was the one who would come to talk to me when I had a nightmare. He is the one I let get too close to me. The only one I would ever show weakness to. I looked up to him and he knew it.

Ryoshi was the only one in the family with white hair and yellow eyes. He was built like a soldier and fought like one. He was the strongest besides Tsuyoi.

" Ryoshi? Do you know how to dye hair? " I asked fluttering my lashes.

" What do you have in mind? " He asked with a sly smile.

I threw the box at him and he smiled that smile that could light up a room.

" Now we're talking. " He said wrapping an arm around my shoulder and leading me into the house.

Two hours later and we were finished and I had white hair. I was shocked when I looked in the mirror and saw a different but familiar face. With white hair I looked older and younger at the same time. I looked like I was born with white hair, and it looked perfect on me. It made me more confident and made me feel sexy.

" I love it! " I squealed.

" So do I. Now we are almost the same. Well besides your eyes being green with gold and mine being just yellow. " He smiled. I hugged him tightly before letting him lead me out. I smelled her cooking from all the way across the somewhat spacious house. I smelled curry and white rice. We walked into the kitchen and everyone who had been eating now stopped and started with open mouths.

" What do you think, she looks great, huh? " Ryoshi asked smugly.

" I like it, but will dad? " Sakurami said.

" Thanks sis, and I hope he does. " I replied.

Sakurami was my only sister and she was 16. She had blonde hair and yellow eyes. She was the main cook, because we all sucked at cooking.

" I like this Angel. She is a white angel instead of a black angel. " Tsuyoi laughed at his own joke.

I grabbed a roll and threw it at him, it bounced off his head and into Sakurami's hand. I knew she wanted another so when she smiled I nodded.

" Thanks, how'd you know I wanted one. " She snickered at a frowning Tsuyoi.

" I know what my little sister is thinking. I have telekinesis. " I joked sitting down.

I fixed my plate and started to eat. We were finished and were off doing our own thing when dad got home. I was out testing my neon led lights on my bike when he walked up.

" Now, I wonder who you are? Did my baby girl suddenly turn into a white head? " He asked in a joking tone.

I turned around smiling brightly at him.

" Wow, you look amazing. " He said running a hair through his own white hair.

He was white haired and blue eyed. He stood about 6'2 and despite his old age he moved quicker than us.

" Thanks, Look what I got up and running finally. " I said waving a hand to my bike.

" You did that all by yourself? I thought one of your brothers were helping you with it. Wow I am so proud of you kiddo. " He said hugging me tightly.

" Are you hungry? " I asked.

" Starving. " He sighed.

We headed into the house we sat and talked about our day.