

Zach didn't know how it all happened and how he had risen to go after the guy carrying the drunk red head

" Where do you think you're taking her?"

The carrier turned to look at the person speaking

" Zach Gundersen," hé said and snickered

Did he really know whom he was speaking to?

Or had he mistaken this place for his father's company that he had the audacity to boss anyone around?

" You heard me, " Zach's mood was dropping

The guy paid a deaf ear and resumed his movement now ascending staircases .

Max could only mumble few unclear words that were barely audible

" I beg we co-operate, "

" Are you trying to beard the lion in his den?" the carrier said intimidation clear in his voice but Zach didn't seem bothered .

He wasn't moved..

Harry arrived at the scene

" Who are the two of you?" he questioned making the other guy halt in his steps

" Let go off her" -

Drunken Max seemed to sense the commotion as she used the advantage to struggle free.

She gazed at the three men scrutinizingl y

* Max we have to get. out of here, " Harry said moving towards her protectively

But he didn't reach her as she suddenly screamed -

" Aaaaah don't come near me! "

" Max you're drunk c'mon, " Harry coaxed

" And who is this handsome prince ooh I certainly feel like a princess -"

Max said dreamily as she moved towards Zach who had been staring at her all along .

Harry sighed for both nth time contemplating on what to do in such a situation.

Only if she had listened to him earlier they wouldn't have been in such a mess.

" Max Cherry is waiting for you, "-

Cherry is playing hide and seek with the other kids , "

" I just want this drop dead gorgeous _"

Zach watched it puzzlement as the red head flirted with him. plodding around him. almost touching him

"" Ma x, " ho noted and smiled.

Harry paced around the place absolutely confused on how to get Max leave the place before she could turn herself into a waste.

Perhaps he'd just drag her by force -

He thought but on turning ready. To go and drag her away- His eyes befell as utterly shocking site.

She was tightly gripping the man's. collar and was kissing him uncontrollably

" Max-" he said in disbelief

It was the first time she had done such a shame less act after getting drunk

He turned and left without second thoughts

He'd tried his best after all.

The next morning -

" Gordon Bennett, " she exclaimed in sheer terror.

She was in one of the private suites of Zama Club House!

Flipping. off the blanket she rose swiftly trying to figure out how she had she reached the room.

She paced around the strange room trying hard to remember the happenings of the previous night

She recalled leaving the orphanage and heading for Zama then she found a gang of big men

They made a deal and had agreed that if she took the six bottles of champagne, they'd pay her. handsomely .


She recalled taking the first . the second the third-And that was the end of the memory -

" Oh no you can't forget anything Max" she pleaded with herself

The bathroom door squeaked open and Max followed the source

Oh yes her night mare wasr ight in front of her .

It was the last thing she'd thought of.

Frozen and her eyes wide as saucers she stared at the strange figure extremely at loss for words.

". Do I perhaps resemble the Grim reaper,? " Zach asked seeing the red head's stupefied expression.

" Why are we here together?" - se couldn't help but ask...

" Hmph what do you think?" Zach smirked.

" We didn't sleep together right? "

" Find out," Zach replied and moved towards the vanity mirror .

" Yes we didn't I trust Max , " Max smiled to herself

" Okay , look -" she said and paúsed

" I don't know how all this happened I just want to be here .

Zach's smile broadened in amusement

" So you think I'm handsome?"

"Who said that again? "

You said it last night and I think your pretty, "

Max just rolled her eyes I n response as she moved towards the door..

But the door was locked-

" You did this - "

" We're not done talking yet ,"

The two interacted like familiar strange