

" Too early for a damn call," Darius groaned on the other end of the line.

" Dude guess what,-" Zach said and paúsed

" I'm in love," he added with a chuckle.

Darius completely awoke hearing his friend's remarks

" Did you just say-"

" Heeee dude-"

Zach sighed at his friend's overreaction

" It's a redhead," he added paying less attention to Darius' silly reaction.

" She must be pretty," Darius said thoughtfully

" Do you plan on pursuing her?"

"I don't know but I think yes l have to, "

" Tag me for assistance -"

Zach rolled his eyes in response

" It won't be necessary -"

What a mischievous friend he had!

" You interrupted my good time I'll hung up first -"

Zach ended the call and tossed the phone aside grabbing the laptop

The details about the red head had just been sent.

He smiled as he opened the file

Max Peyson-

He rummaged through the information and his lips curled into a half smile

" Not bad at all," he thought to himself though he wondered why such a beauty. would love in an orphanage.

"Zach,!!" Albert' s voice full of anger rang in

" Dad-"

"Did you just spend a night with a sl* t again? "

" I'm sorry dad, l was just on the piss and nothing really happened -"

" You-" Albert said solemnly not sure whether his son was telling the truth

" I'll have everything checked thoroughly, " he said and hang up immediately

Luce sighed

Angry husband naughty son.

Zach smiled seeing his father hang up on him

He was 27 for Christ's sake he was no kid.

Grabbing his keys he left the company heading back to the Gundersen Residence

An hour later


Albert' glanced at his last born son as he greeted his mother.

He was filled with instant regret.

He wouldn't have pampered him

He was now a nuisance!

Zach seemed to read his father's mood

He gave his mother a pleading look.

He was afraid of his father's next words.

Some good punishment awaited him

Probably a grounding

Then he wouldn't get to see the red head again.

" Mom-"

Luce looked at her son then back at her husband contemplating on whose side she should take.

" You know your father and l can't afford life in the city it'd only mean working tirelessly, -" Elizabeth seated at the backyard with her daughter said.

Now that they no longer had a source of income their life was going to get harder.

Cherry was growing and her deteriorating health needed to be given maximum attention.

But amidst the threatening poverty it was almost impossible.

Max had been providing some money they'd been using to facilitate some medication.

But now -

Three years ago they failed to facilitate their daughter's education and let her join a Mafia gang as they were desperately poor

" Never mind mom I'll definitely find a way out we'll live a better life, - " Max said assuringly remembering her plan the previous night hadn't worked out.

" Uncle Harrrrrry!" Cherry screamed on seeing Harry.

She ran with her little legs and hugged him. " You came to check on me right, big sister said your my new doctor -"

Harry raffled her hair paying less attention to her words as he just chuckled.

" I came to see your big sister too," he replied.

Indeed he'd come to check on Max after he left her the previous night.

" Do you like big sister?" Cherry suddenly asked noticing Harry giving her little attention.

" Yes and I like you too-"

" But you can't like us both and equally. -" Cherry pouted jealously.

" I like you more because you're little sweet and adorable. - " Harry pinched her small round cheeks and she giggled

" So it means you can marry me when l grow up?"

Harry just nodded and the little one was filled with happiness.

I didn't finish my homework yesterday will you help me , please -"

" I'll talk to your sister first-"

" But you said you like me more than her -"

" Alright let's go I'll talk to her later -"

The two proceeded Harry holding her tiny hands.