
A second chance is all I need

Fake Love Well if I can't get it no one can She loved him , he killed her. Now she would kill them slowly

Lola_Viper · 若者
2 Chs

I'm Back

A lady lay on a road, blood on her body and a picture was on her face .

No even if she's dying she didn't want to see those evil beings.

She tried to wriggle it off, they ruined her life killed her mom and now they will succeed in killing her .

"I swear my revenge will be sweet".

Then it all went black.

A beautiful lady shot out of bed covered in sweat. She looked around and saw a shabby room with a mattress a mirror and a table filled with drawings.

This was her room 12 years ago.

A cold smile crept up her lips and she muttered. " I'm back".