
A second chance is all I need

Fake Love Well if I can't get it no one can She loved him , he killed her. Now she would kill them slowly

Lola_Viper · 若者
2 Chs

CH. 1 I'm Alive

In a beautiful house

"How could you do this I thought you loved me" .

A lady was on the ground sobbing and a handsome man and pretty lady were standing and watching.

"Oh shut up wh*re , you think he actually loved you , ha , we did it all .

We killed your mom, your brother and your grandparents Oh and we didn't do it alone your uncle helped us. Haha now we are going to complete the cycle of death it's your turn" The lady shrieked while laughing crazily.

"I can't believe you didn't know we've been using you for years , I guess you really are stupid" . The man said while chuckling.

The man then poured petrol on her and lit a fire then the couple was about to head out when the lady said.


They turned around and saw her holding a bomb and before they could run.

"BOOM" .

Everything went black.

In a small room

A beautiful girl sat down on the bed looking at her hands.

"I'm alive and it's 27/ 03/20XX, my 16th birthday. "

She looked around her room and vowed.

" This time me and my family will live like Kings and Queens".

Rachael smiled and continued " And all those who have crossed us will die".

She smiled and went to shower.

[ Congratulations to host for recieving connection system]