
So long

"So how was school today my darling?" asked Natasha with a smile as she looked at Joy's reflection in the rear view mirror.

"It was very good mommy, today we were allowed to use scissors to cut out pictures, and I made a crown for myself" said Joy as she giggled.

"Oh that sounds nice my darling" said Natasha with a smile as they turned to the corner.

"Yes mommy, oh and also Miss Honey was talking about the Parent Teacher meeting that they will have soon" said Joy.

"Really now?" asked Natasha as Joy nodded.

"Yes mommy, she said that all our parents will be allowed to see everything that we have been doing" said Joy.

"I can't wait for that then my darling" said Natasha with a smile as she turned to the right and Joy giggled.

"Mommy, where are we going?" asked Joy as she looked out the window.

"Well we are going to take a little trip before we go home my darling, I need to go to my office to get some things" explained Natasha.

"Ahhh okay mommy, I can't wait to see your office" said Joy as she giggled and Natasha smiled.

"I am actually surprised that you know the way home my darling" said Natasha as she smiled.

"I don't know it well mommy, but we always pass this big tree when we are going home or to school, but you turned left at the tree" said Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Well that big tree is a landmark now" said Natasha as she laughed.

"Mommy, what is a landmark?" asked Joy.

"Oh my darling, it's a thing or an object that marks a certain place in a location" said Natasha.

"Ahh I see now mommy" said Joy as Natasha smiled.

"Mommy, what do you do at your office? Is it like daddy's office?" asked Joy.

"No my darling, my office is different from your daddy's office, my office is a farm where we grow lots of different fruits and vegetables" said Natasha.

"Really?" asked Joy in surprise.

"Yes my darling" said Natasha as she smiled.

"So do you grow tomatoes mommy?" asked Joy.

"Yes we do my darling, we are currently growing some tomatoes in the greenhouse" said Natasha with a smile as Joy giggled.

"Do you grow oranges mommy?" asked Joy.

"Well oranges are a seasonal fruit, and we haven't grown them yet" said Natasha with a smile.

"What about watermelon mommy?" asked Joy as she giggled, right now she was just mentioning every fruit that popped into her head.

"Well no, we haven't grown watermelon yet" said Natasha as she laughed and she stopped at a gate as the gate opened for her and she parked her car in a spot that was reserved for her.

"We are here my darling, do you need me to help you remove your car seat belt?" asked Natasha with a smile as she removed her seatbelt.

"No Mommy, I can do it myself" said Joy as she unbuckled the seatbelt herself and she giggled.

"See mommy, I did it myself" said Joy with a very proud look on her face.

"I see my darling" said Natasha as she laughed and got out of the car and she opened the door for Joy as Joy held her hand.

"Just sit tight here my darling, I will be right back, don't go anywhere" said Natasha as she opened the door to her office.

"Okay mommy, but can I draw?" asked Joy.

"There are some blank papers on my desk, use those" said Natasha.

"Okay mommy" said Joy as Natasha smiled and she left her office as Joy put down her schoolbag on the couch as she walked to Natasha's desk and she found a pen and some blank sheets of paper as she started to draw.

"The tomatoes are looking healthy" said Natasha as she and Chloe were walking.

"I know right, I was so worried that things would go wrong I mean, everything is so expensive, especially with maintaining that greenhouse" said Chloe with a sigh.

"I know, and that's why we are only using it for this particular crop, since there are many pests that attacked the last crops" said Natasha.

"I agree, which reminds me, the tiles have all been put in place" said Chloe.

"Which tiles?" asked Natasha in confusion.

"The tiles for the store in Lexington" said Chloe as she could see that Natasha still looked very confused.

"The ones that Dom sent over here" said Chloe.

"Ohh, ahh, those tiles, I'm so sorry, it skipped my mind" said Natasha as she walked into the building as Chloe followed after her and laughed.

"It's fine Natasha, you must have a lot of things on your mind for you to forget" said Chloe.

"That I do Chloe, that I do" said Natasha as she walked into her office as Joy was drawing on the papers.

"I'm back my darling, sorry I took so long, I had to go see the plants in the greenhouse" said Natasha as Joy looked at her.

"It's okay mommy, you should have taken me with you, I wanted to see the greenhouse too" said Joy as Natasha laughed.

"Sorry my darling, but they just treated the plants in there, and the chemicals are dangerous for children" said Natasha.

"Aww okay mommy" said Joy.

"I'm sorry darling, we are going to stay here for a little while longer, there is just a lot of work that needs to be done" said Natasha as Chloe smiled and waved at Joy and Joy waved at her with a smile.

"It's fine mommy" said Joy with a smile as Natasha handed her a bag of chips.

"Thank you my darling, what are you drawing?" asked Natasha as Joy hide what she was drawing.

"It's a surprise mommy, thank you for the chips" said Joy with a smile.

"Alright then" said Natasha with a smile.

"So what do we have on the list to do today Chloe?" asked Natasha as she looked at Chloe.

"Well I really wanted to go and see the progress at the store today" said Chloe.

"Oh I really want to go over there too, but I'm not sure I can't, that could take the whole day, and Joy will be stuck here" said Natasha.

"Oh but Neil is coming over with Ethan to drop off my lunch, he can take Joy and Ethan home" said Chloe.

"He can?" asked Natasha as she really had no one else to call, she knew that Dom was in a meeting, she had received and email about that earlier today, she was sure that Nine and the others would be with him since they were all working at the company, and Lulu was busy working as well.

"Yes he can, so that way we can go to the store, see the site, and see what needs to be done till the opening" said Chloe.

"When is the opening scheduled again?" asked Natasha.

"it's supposed to be opened in May" said Chloe.

"Alright, he can take Joy home" said Natasha with a smile as Chloe smiled.

"Mommy, I need to pee" said Joy as Natasha looked at her and she laughed.

"Come on my darling, let me take you to the toilet" said Natasha as Joy nodded and put down her bag of chips on the couch as she ran to hold Natasha's hand.

"Thanks for lunch honey" said Chloe with a smile as she gave Neil a kiss on the cheek as he smiled.

"Anytime honey" said Neil with a smile as Ethan scoffed.

"Mom, I need art suppliers for my social studies project" said Ethan in a whiny voice as Chloe looked at him.

"Young man, what do I say about demanding for things like a brat, and also, where are your manners, did you greet me first before whining like a baby?" asked Chloe in a reprimanding tone.

"Sorry" said Ethan.

"Sorry what?" asked Chloe.

"Sorry for being rude mom" said Ethan.

"Continue" said Chloe.

"Good afternoon mom, how was your day?" asked Ethan.

"Well good now that you asked" said Chloe as Neil stopped himself from laughing.

"Mom I need some art supplies for my social studies project, it's about friendship and whatnot" said Ethan.

"What happened to the last supplies that I bought you?" asked Chloe with a frown.

"Pluto tore up all the papers, and she also got into the paint" said Ethan.

"When did that happen?" asked Chloe in horror.

"Yesterday" replied Ethan.

"Ethan!" said Chloe with a gasp.

"Dad was there too, he was the one watching her, but he was busy on his laptop" said Ethan as he pushed the blame on Neil, he wasn't going to go down alone in this.

"Neil!" said Chloe as she turned to look at Neil who looked at his son who had just ratted him out, just because he did not want to be alone at the receiving end of all the scolding.

"I admit that I let her out of my sight for one moment, but it was an accident, you know how quick Pluto is" said Neil.

"Mhm right, and I also know how I can not trust either one of you to watch her while I am not there" said Chloe.

"Oh come on honey, it's just this one time" said Neil.

"Right, just this one time, in that case. you can go buy Ethan the art supplies that he needs I don't have time for that, I am going to the site" said Chloe.

"Can I come with you mom?" asked Ethan.

"Not at all, you and Joy are going to go home, oh and there are leftovers in the fridge, I want them gone, that's your lunch" said Chloe as Ethan frowned and Neil laughed.

"Same goes for you Mr. ,and don't you dare order out and throw my leftovers away, I will know, I will" said Chloe as Neil just smiled, cursing himself for laughing.

Hahah ASC will resume to update daily, we haven't moved yet but everything is packed up and ready hehe!!!

Dan_does_it_allcreators' thoughts