
Go with you

"Mommy, you look so pretty" said Joy as she looked at her mother with stars in her eyes as she giggled.

"Thank you my baby" said Natasha as she smiled as she applied some clear lipstick on her lips and she looked at herself in the dressing table mirror, she did not like bright coloured lipsticks, which was why she used a clear, plain colour.

"Joy is right Madam, you look very pretty today" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she looked at Alfred and she smiled at him and he smiled at her, her baby and Alfred were her two biggest supporters in this house, and she really appreciated them both.

Today was Saturday 21 July, also known as the day of Grandfather's 80th birthday, and Natasha was getting ready to go to the party, she had worn the yellow, floral print short sleeved dress that was below her knee, and she wore yellow sneakers, the dress was simple but comfortable, just like she liked it, Lia really knew her, and she was happy that Lia had decided to buy her a dress.

"Mommy, where are you going?" asked Joy as she smiled and she looked at her mother, she had not seen her mother dress so pretty like this before, and her mother had not put her hair into a ponytail rather her hair was wavy and let down as it rested below her shoulders, and she looked, very, very, very pretty in Joy's eyes.

"I told you my baby, I am going to your Great Grandfather's birthday party" said Natasha as she smiled and she turned to look at Joy as she put the clear lipstick in one of the drawers of her dressing table.

"Can I come too mommy??" asked Joy as she smiled, she wanted to go out with her mommy as well.

"Well no my baby, you cannot, it's adults only" said Natasha as she smiled and she stood up as she as she walked and opened the door to her closet.

"Why?" asked Joy as her eyes followed her mother.

"Well my baby, there will be many adults there, and there will be no one to take care of the children if they come too" said Natasha as she smiled and she took a yellow handbag from her closet, it was her favourite handbag, her father had gotten it for her when she turned nineteen.

"Awww" said Joy as she looked sad.

"But I want to go with you mommy" said Joy as she climbed on her mother's bed, she wanted to go with her mommy, and her daddy was going too.

"My baby, I want to go with you as well, but I cannot" said Natasha as she smiled and she carried Joy off her bed which made Joy giggle.

"But not to worry, Alfred will stay with you, and you both will have a great time together, right Alfred?" asked Natasha as she smiled and she looked up at Alfred.

"Right Joy, don't you like spending time with me?" asked Alfred as he smiled.

"I do" said Joy as she smiled.

"So we will have a better time here" said Alfred as he smiled.

"in fact, we will have more fun, because the party is going to be boring" said Alfred as he laughed.

"Is that true mommy?" asked Joy as she looked up at her mother.

"Yes my baby, it will be boring, it will mostly be old people talking" said Natasha as she laughed.

"And they will talk about adult stuff my baby" said Natasha as she wiggled Joy's nose which made Joy giggle.

"So do you understand now my baby?" asked Natasha as she smiled.

"Yes mommy" said Joy as she giggled and she nodded her head.

"Good girl" said Natasha as she smiled.

"Alfred, thank you once again for offering to look after Joy" said Natasha as she looked at Alfred and she smiled at him, Alfred had always been there, he always cared for others, that was his best character.

"You do not need to thank me Madam, it is my pleasure" said Alfred as he smiled, he loved taking care of Joy.

"But still Alfred, I feel bad that you will miss the celebration because you are taking care of Joy" said Natasha.

"Between you and me Madam, there are some people I would rather avoid at the celebration" said Alfred as he laughed and Natasha laughed as well.

"Besides, I already greeted the Master this morning when I went to the estate, and I explained why I would be unable to attend, and he did not mind it at all" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled, she wondered what she would have done without him.

"You are welcome Madam" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Are you ready?" asked Dom as he walked into Natasha's room.

"Daddy!!" said Joy as she laughed and Natasha put her down as she ran to Dom and he picked her up.

"Daddy you look very handsome" said Joy as she giggled.

"Why thank you my princess" said Dom as he smiled, he was wearing a navy blue suit, and his hair was neatly combed.

"Daddy, mommy looks very pretty right?" asked Joy as she giggled and Dom looked at Natasha.

"Yes she does" said Dom as he smiled.

"Alright, well let's go" said Natasha.

"My baby, we will be back soon, be a good girl, and don't tire Alfred too much okay?" asked Natasha as she looked at Joy and she smiled.

"Okay Mommy" said Joy as she smiled and he nodded her head.

"Alfred, there is chocolate cake in the fridge, Joy can have some after dinner" said Natasha as she looked at Alfred.

"Alright Madam, you can count on me" said Alfred as he smiled.

"Thank you Alfred" said Natasha as she smiled and Alfred smiled at her.

"See you my baby" said Natasha as she walked over to Joy and she gave her a quick kiss on the cheek which made her giggle.

"See you my princess" said Dom as he gave her a kiss on the cheek as well and he put her down.

"See you mommy, see you daddy" said Joy as she smiled and she waved at them as they walked away.

Natasha walked out the front door as the lights of Dom's car blinked twice as he disabled the alarm and opened the car, it made no sense for them to go to the same place with two different cars, that would just be a waste a fuel and time.

Natasha opened the door to the passenger seat and she got into the car, the sun was still up, but it was 6pm already, and it would take them an hour to drive to the venue, which meant that they would arrive there at 7pm.

Quite frankly, Natasha was not happy to be in the same car with Dom for an hour, but she could not refuse, he had insisted, and she had seen his reason, she would have sat in the back seat, but that was just plain childish, and they were fully grown adults, so it made no sense why they would just not act maturely, so that was what Natasha was going to do.

Natasha looked out the window, she saw that Dom was talking on his phone with someone, and she looked at her own phone, it when then that she remembered she had forgotten something very important.

So Natasha quickly got out of the car as she ran into the house to get what she had forgotten, she could not believe that she almost left Grandfather's present at home , she had gone out to buy it for him, and yet she was about to leave to leave if behind.

Dom ended his call, he found it odd that Natasha would just run out of the car like that, but she seemed like she had forgotten something, so Dom just sighed as he walked to the driver's seat as he started the car and he waited for Natasha.

A few moments later, Natasha came out of the house with a wrapped circular object as she walked to the back seat and she opened the door as she placed the object there and she closed the door as she got into the car and she put on her seatbelt.

"Are you ready now?" asked Dom as he turned to look at her, just in case she had forgotten anything else.

"Yes, let's go" said Natasha as she did not look at him at all and she kept her eyes looking forward.

"Alright then" said Dom as he removed the car from park and he drove out of the driveway.

Natasha looked at her phone and she sighed internally, if not that she was doing this for Grandfather, she would have preferred to stay home, social gatherings were not her thing at all.