
A romantic comedy with a ghost girl.

Saik is an expressionless boy who can see ghosts. Yuki is a ghost girl who has always been alone and has never had any friends. Saik dreams of being the perfect boy his mother dreamed of having and Yuki wants to have friends. Working with each other, they will both achieve their own dreams.... On the other hand, Cristal is a nice girl, who has no interest in love... Until Saik saves her, arousing some romantic interest in her, provoking jealousy in little Yuki. "A-am I in love with Saik?" Unknowingly, Saik managed to romance two girls, and a few more, though he doesn't realize it. With two goals in mind, Yuki will do her best to achieve them. "You'll fall in love with me and I'll make you smile, Saik!"

Hector_Angel · ファンタジー
19 Chs

CHAPTER 15- The mentality of a widow. Part 5.

CHAPTER 15- The mentality of a widow. Part 5.

(Pov- Yuki.)

—… "So… How was your day?"

—… "I guess well."

Ah... Dining without Saik is awkward ... Where did that idiot go ?! He just left without saying anything to us. That was rude of him ... Although it is something that he would do.

"Where did Saik go? It's weird that he left without telling us anything."

"It's not weird, it's something he would do, Noel."

—… "Are you sure? Saik is a kind and polite boy."

I couldn't help but laugh hearing that.

Kind and polite? Yes, of course.

Saik is far from being considered kind.

He only helped Sylphie because Noel will help him study.

And today he helped her only because I threatened not to help him cheat.

Saik only thinks of himself.

If he does not make a profit, he does nothing.

"Saik may look kind, but he is not."

Someone put their hand on my head ... I recognize this hand.

"Am I not kind?"

"W-welcome, Saik."

He started stroking my head and sat next to me.

"Ah, I had a long night."

"Where did you go, Saik?"

"I went to dinner."

"To dinner?! And why didn't you invite me?!"

That's pretty selfish, Saik!

I thought we were friends.

I feel betrayed.

"In fact, I went out to buy some study guides, and had a hamburger for dinner because I got hungry."

Saik put a plastic bag on the table.

"I brought you hamburgers."

"I take back what I said, yes you are kind! Give me give me!"

Saik yawned and walked away from us.

"I'll go to sleep. Good night."

He left the dining room.

Wow… He really looks tired.

Poor guy… No parents... He spends his time studying almost all the time ... And he thinks that not having friends is good ... He reminds me a lot of my past self.

I must help him get more friends!

Yeah, I'll do that.

(Pov- Saik.)

Just for tonight ... Just for today, I won't study.

I lay down on my bed and wiped the blood from my nose.

"I haven't done this in a long time ... But it was necessary ... I hope I never have to do it again ... Never again."

Ah... I know that is something impossible.

I will always need to do "that" whether I like it or not.

It is my destiny, and I already accepted it.

In a certain part of the Capital of the country, under a sanctuary, there is a secret underground base, belonging to the secret organization called: "Black Air".

In that place, ghost hunters gather.

And the current leader is an old man who they call: "89".

An 87-year-old man with one foot in the grave.

He was a famous ghost hunter, and he was only surpassed by a single person ... And that person's name is ...

"Shadow... He returned."

89 met with 3 other people, to discuss something very important and rare that happened today.

An event too rare, that has no logical explanation.

"Father, it's too early to say that. Shadow only captured ghosts, he did not kill ... Or so we know."- Said 90, daughter of 89.

Each generation inherits a higher number, making it clear who will be the new leader.

She is a 50-year-old woman, with a strong and cold character.

"Mother, I agree with Grandpa. As far as we know, Shadow is the only one capable of killing so many people without being discovered."- Said 91, the daughter of 90.

A young girl of only 13 years old, with a personality identical to that of her mother.

"And with this, our suspicions will be confirmed."

A 25-year-old young man named "Faye" took a folder out of his backpack and placed it on the table.

He opened it and showed some pictures and information about a certain boy.

"His name is Saik, he is 16 years old, his birthday is September 4, his parents died and he has no one. He lives alone, it is very sad ... And what most caught my attention, are their grades ... He managed to enter the elite school "Raikon", with perfect grades."

"Perfect ...? That's quite… unbelievable?"- Said 90.

"And this is the most suspicious. His old grades at his other schools were average ... No… They were below average. How did someone like that manage to get perfect grades?"

"Are you trying to say he used ghosts to cheat?"- Said 91.

"Yes, I'm sure he's Shadow."

—… "Yes… Probably...­ Shadow had the voice and appearance of a child of 6 or 7 years ... If we consider the time since we last saw him, he is currently 15 or 16 years old."- Said 89.

"And look at this."

Faye showed them the images that a security camera managed to capture.

"The men who died in "Ceels" city today, were following Saik today. A security camera managed to see them ... And this is the most suspicious. Saik went to a certain part of the city, where there were no security cameras. After several minutes, another security camera found them, but they looked weird. Their faces were expressionless and they went straight towards other men and killed each other."

"They were controlled by ghosts ... Saik knew where there were security cameras ... That boy... That boy is definitely Shadow."- Said 89.

"Mother, I want to meet him. I want to verify that it really is him."- Said 91.

"Be careful."

"Yes... Unlike others, Shadow is a special case ... I must be very careful."

A huge ghost came out of her back and she smiled.

That ghost had a black aura, deformed faces all over its body, it was huge, fat and disgusting.

"I want to meet the man who beat you in a second, Grandpa."

She had a rare smile for a girl her age.

A scary smile.

And combined with the ghost behind her, it made her look scary and evil.

(Pov- Saik.)

My third day of school.

I think I'm used to waking up early to go to school.

Before I was very lazy to wake up early.

And now? It also makes me very lazy, but I don't complain as much as I used to.

After a bath and breakfast, I brush my teeth and leave the house, as always, carrying Yuki with my shoulders.

"Saik, your hair smells delicious! You'd be popular with the girls if you combed your hair a bit."

Why do I comb my hair? I'm just going to waste my time doing that. I like to have my hair tousled.

I turned a corner and "accidentally" crashed into a girl.

She was waiting for me, I could feel her presence.

"I'm sorry. Are you okay?"

I helped her up.


Out of nowhere, a ghost came out of her back and tried to scare me.


"Kya! A monster!"

Yuki fell to the floor in shock and I patted the girl on the head.

"You should be more careful. Good bye."


I walked away from her and went through the ghost.

I did not show any signs of fear or excitement. My heart continues to beat normally.

The ghost kept trying to scare me, showing me horrible things with its body, but I kept walking without paying attention.

"Ah, I was hungry."

I took a chocolate bar out of my pocket and began to eat it.

"I didn't have time to do my homework because I was hiding ... Ah... I hope someone will take pity on me and pass it on to me."


I knew that girl was following me.


I stopped and turned to see her.

"Did you say something?"

"You said you were hiding. Why?"

"Oh, yes. Some men wanted to beat me, so I had to hide from them. I just hope I never see them again."

Yuki kicked that ghost.

"Leave Saik alone, you creep!"

"Get out of my sight, girl! Do you want me to kill you?!"


"I'm sorry, but I must go. I will arrive late to school."

Yuki hid behind me and I walked away.

—… "Hey."

I stopped and turned to see her.

"What's up?"

The ghost tried again to scare me, but I didn't care. It did not cause me any emotion.

"It's useless, this boy can't see me."

—… "No… Nothing."

—… "You are kind of weird. Well, it was my pleasure, but I have to go. Oh yeah, by the way ..."

I took out another bar of chocolate and offered it to her.

"Do you want to?"

"Eh? Are you giving it to me? Why?"

"You're cute."

"Don't treat me like a little girl, you idiot!"

Ah, an aggressive girl. How adorable.

Well, it's adorable when you know you're stronger than her. Stop being adorable when the aggressive girl is stronger than you.

Her long blue hair, combined with those blood red eyes, make her look evil.

And she's completely flat ... She is definitely adorable.

"Don't you want it? Well, more for me."

She snatched the chocolate bar from me.

"I'll just take it because I'm hungry, you idiot!"

"Wow... You are more adorable than I thought."

"Stop calling me adorable!"


I walked away.

Well, everything went perfectly.

"I hope I never see you again, you filthy monster!"

Yuki stuck her tongue out at him.

"Saik is mine only, I won't let you near him!"

Well, this will hurt, Yuki.

"Kill that ghost."- Said that girl, whispering.

A normal person would not listen to it, but I heard it perfectly because I am not normal.

The ghost attacked Yuki, destroying her head with his huge fist, disintegrating Yuki.

The ghost disappeared and I closed my eyes.

Yuki will appear in ... Now.

Opening my eyes, Yuki appeared in front of me.

"You told me it wouldn't hurt! You liar, you liar! It hurt so much!"- She said crying.

I told Yuki about what could happen today and we planned this.

The ghosts that I control cannot be seen by others ... But if I want them to be seen, others will see them.

When the ghost hit Yuki, him used a technique to eliminate souls, a technique that has no effect on Yuki because I protected her with my power.

That technique only made Yuki disappear for a few seconds.

When she reappeared, only I could see her because I don't want others to see her.

My plan worked out perfect.

If the ghost killed Yuki in front of me and I didn't react, they would be convinced that I can't see ghosts.

A cruel plan, but necessary. I don't want to have ghost hunters screwing up my life.

"It hurt a lot, a lot, a lot! Saik, I hate you!"

"I'll give you double what we agreed to."

I spoke low as always, I am not in danger.

"This time that won't work ...!"

"With a huge chocolate cake all to yourself. With chocolate bars around the cake. And, of course, a huge lemon ice cream."

Yuki started salivating and hugged me.

"I forgive you, Saik!"


Well, I solved one problem, but it won't be the only one.

I must be on my guard at all times.

A little bit of fear would make them suspicious and they would kidnap me.

"No... He was not... He didn't show any sign of emotion ... He didn't seem to show fear or nervousness ... His heart was beating normally ... Even Dob took out a little ghost girl who was following him, and he was still the same, it didn't affect him at all."

91 was talking to her mother on the phone to inform her about what happened.

"Is there something wrong with him? Any identifying characteristics?"

"Aside from his strange fashion sense for not combing his hair, I didn't find anything weird ... He even gave me a chocolate bar because according to him I'm adorable. He's an idiot, he's not the Shadow I admire."

"Oh, I see... Get the chocolate bar, I want to analyze it."

"Yes, yes, I know."

She hung up and sighed.

"Something strange is happening in this city ... I will stay a while longer."