
Two years:

" It'll be easier to show you, then explain, " Said Pybara,

Pybara begins walking towards Sado standing directly in front of him before throwing a quick jab, Sado reacts off instincts raising his arm and blocking the punch, Sado glares down at Pybara looking confused before his attention is brought to a small ball of energy leaving his arm,

It floats into the air slightly hovering below the ceiling, He looks up at the ball of energy before looking back down as soon as he does, Pybara throws a barrage of weak punches, all landed on Sado's body, hundreds of small balls of energy leave sado body conjuring into one massive ball of energy below the ceiling,

" I'm losing a lot of Ki, I'm guessing this is what forced spirit fission does, " said Sado stepping back,

" You would be correct, forced spirit fission is the ability to warp others Ki, this is the trump card of our race, with the energy you steal from someone, you can do many things like absorbing the energy, or you could use it to attack your opponents turning their Ki against them, you can knock someone out of a fusion, overall its a very versatile technique, " Said Pybara raising his short blue hand in the air before pointing towards sado,

The ball of energy flies toward Sado, who raises his arms to block the attack, he closes his eyes but he doesn't feel any pain, opens his eyes and feels stronger like his body as regained his energy, he clenches his fist tight before he smiles,

" You returned my energy to me, " said Sado glancing forward-looking at Pybara,

" Correct but it's time for me to teach you how to use it, " Pybara walks closer to sado before extending his hand,

" Grab my hand we need to go somewhere else, " said Pybara, Sado grabs his hand before they both disappear to the other side of the planet, they're are in a plain surrounded by purple mountains on all sides,

Sado looks around before Pybara throws a punch instead of blocking the punch, Sado leans to his left dodging the attack, Pybara nods his head before teleporting from Sado's vision, before Sado even notices he had left he was punched in the back, Sado stumbles forward before looking up into the sky, he sees a ball of energy flying into the sky,

Pybara snaps his finger making the ball of energy vanish, a smile appears on his face before he puts his arms behind his back and faces Sado,

" What did you do with my energy? " asked Sado looking at Pybara confused,

" I take a sample of energy from everyone I taught forced spirit fission to, it's sorta like a reminder on who I have trained, " said Pybara scratching the back of his blue head,

"But let me hurry up and explain to you, how to use forced spirit fission, forced spirit fission is like slightly cracking a piece of energy off the foe's body, you inject ki into their body and with every punch slowly chipping away their energy, " said Pybara with a grin on his face,

" Okay, so who am I using it on? " asked Sado, Pybara's grin grew larger before he begins stretching popping his neck and back, a small gust of wind blows dust around the men before Pybara speaks,

" Me, " said Pybara dashing forward...


Two years later:

Two figures were teleporting in the sky, massive shockwaves rippled through the air, small balls of Ki were raising into the sky and conjuring into a massive ball, there were two different balls one yellow and one blue,

Sado and Pybara were clashing fists in the sky, Pybara teleports appearing behind Sado, but Sado spins around crossing his arms and blocking the punch, Sado gets launched to the ground, he lands on his feet sliding to a stop. Sado takes a deep breath covering plains in a dense fog,

Pybara floats above the fog observing every square inch of it, before teleporting into it, he appears behind Sado throwing a barrage of punches but they all go through Sado, he disperses into fog and disappears, Pybara closes his eyes before flying up into the air, he gets out of the fog before looking up into the sky, Sado is floating above him with a massive blast in his hand, he throws it toward Pybara, the blast completely illuminates Pybara covering his body in a bright orange light,

Pybara reaches his left hand out, the massive yellow ball of Ki behind Sado begins quivering before a small portion of it breaks off, the ball of energy flies around Sado and lands in Pybara's left hand, the blast begins to expand but it instantly shrinks into a tiny white speck, Pybara has fully mastered Ki control making him able to manipulate Ki seamlessly,

He throws the white speck at the massive blast, the white speck goes straight through the blast, making a massive orange explosion roar through the sky, Pybara glances behind him throwing a punch, Sado teleports behind but is caught off guard by Pybara anticipating his movement, the punch lands hitting him in the jaw, he stumbles back as a small piece of energy warps off of him,

Sado rubs his lip with his hand as a small speck of blood begins leaking out of it, a huge grin appears on his face before both men disappear...
