
A regressor's 2nd chance

Lance seems to have regressed into his younger self. He knows what is to come, and this time, he'll be ready. This time, He will be strong enough.

SleepyAsura685 · 都市
18 Chs

Chapter 13: A Chance at Redemption

Raised in Russia, Boris was as Russian as they come. Although he'd moved to Australia during his mid-teens, he never let go of his accent. While it had softened over the years to become more comprehensible to his Australian peers and teachers, the deep, gravelly undertones were a constant reminder of his roots. Especially when it came to alcohol. A series of unfortunate events, including the death of his parents in a car accident, had led him down a spiraling path of crime and drug abuse. His existence revolved around getting high, a pursuit that isolated him from even his criminal associates.

One desperate day, fueled by the need for another high, Boris made a failed attempt to rob Mr. Booker. Under normal circumstances, such a blunder would have warranted a severe beating, or worse, death. However, Boris was met with a calm hand on his shoulder and a warning: "This is only going to hurt a bit."

The ensuing pain was worse than any beating he had ever received. It tore through him, shredding his insides and rendering him helpless. He screamed until his voice was hoarse and scratchy, his cries echoing off the alleyway walls. "I probably should've sedated him first," came Mr. Booker's rueful voice, floating above the agony and darkness claiming Boris.

Awakening in an unfamiliar room, Boris was greeted by the faint sound of laughter and music filtering through a closed door. Yet, as he tried to rise, something felt different. Something was missing. He felt lighter, as if a significant weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The constant gnawing urge, the insatiable need for a hit, the incessant craving that had shadowed him for years, was gone. It was as though a fog had lifted from his mind, and he wasn't being dragged into the mire of despair anymore.

"I don't have it... I DON'T HAVE THE URGE!!!" The realization echoed in his mind, the impact far more significant than any high he had ever chased. A rush of emotion surged through him, leaving him breathless.

Overwhelmed, he burst through the door into a room filled with people. The music came to a halt, and all eyes landed on him. But instead of judgement or disdain, he was met with warmth and sympathy. It was an unfamiliar sight, and it triggered an emotional avalanche within him. Tears welled up, but not of despair. They were tears of relief, joy, and gratitude.

As the room erupted in cheer, upstairs, Mr. Booker stood in his makeshift laboratory, surrounded by vials and test tubes. The corners of his mouth curved upwards into a satisfied smile as he listened to the joyous commotion downstairs. He had given Boris a chance at redemption, and it seemed like the man was ready to seize it.